Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Dual Wielding Weapons - Crafting, Progression Path, Legendary, Abilities

Hello Everyone,
I would like to ask and discuss how the Dual Wielding weapons will work in Ashes of Creation and will there be Legendary Dual Wield Weapons you can craft.
This is really very interesting topic and we have so little information.
As per Wiki information - Dual weapons are treated as single items that when equipped will occupy both main and off-hand gear slots.
My question here is - will there be legendary Dual weapons you can craft and would it be possible to get a legendary Dual weapon dropped from a raid boss or anything else except from crafting.
The other discussion is - will the Dual Weapons have their own Progression Path(Weapon skill tree) or for example one handed swords,dagger,mace Progression Paths will affect the both one handed weapons plus dual weapons. It's interesting how this will be implemented as we could craft Dual One handed Sword + One handed Mace maybe as a single Dual Item. There might be a lot of options here for progression and build. Also, will there be any classes that could benefit with certain dual weapons.
And last- will there be any abilities that require Dual Wield weapons. For example the Bladedancer class as i remember from Lineage 2 required wielding Dual weapons in order to use(perform) their dancing/song buffs.
Expecting some interesting discussions, suggestions and hopefully answers
Thank you all!
I would like to ask and discuss how the Dual Wielding weapons will work in Ashes of Creation and will there be Legendary Dual Wield Weapons you can craft.
This is really very interesting topic and we have so little information.
As per Wiki information - Dual weapons are treated as single items that when equipped will occupy both main and off-hand gear slots.
My question here is - will there be legendary Dual weapons you can craft and would it be possible to get a legendary Dual weapon dropped from a raid boss or anything else except from crafting.
The other discussion is - will the Dual Weapons have their own Progression Path(Weapon skill tree) or for example one handed swords,dagger,mace Progression Paths will affect the both one handed weapons plus dual weapons. It's interesting how this will be implemented as we could craft Dual One handed Sword + One handed Mace maybe as a single Dual Item. There might be a lot of options here for progression and build. Also, will there be any classes that could benefit with certain dual weapons.
And last- will there be any abilities that require Dual Wield weapons. For example the Bladedancer class as i remember from Lineage 2 required wielding Dual weapons in order to use(perform) their dancing/song buffs.
Expecting some interesting discussions, suggestions and hopefully answers

Thank you all!

I'd assume there will be some abilities that require duals, just as shield bash will require a shield, but I definitely hope that it won't be as hardcore as BD's situation was, cause locking the entire class behind a very specific weapon type (well, outside of archers of course) seems to go against what Intrepid are going for.
Dual wands rogue/mage or mage/rogue. Ranger-mage combos are also acceptable thematically I guess. So... Nightspell, Shadow Caster, Scion or Spell Hunter. (not as restrictions, just for the class thematic)
Pew pew, pew pew pew pew...
Hope it'll be possible.
Sure, I've played games where characters dual wield, but it's either 'equip mainhand and offhand separately and then there is a dual wielding skill', or 'There's only really one Dual Blades weapon which counts the same way as any other weapon and takes up the whole weapon slot'.
FFXI's Dual Wielding mechanics are pretty complicated so I won't go into them unnecessarily (they don't help Intrepid because they're really specific both in implementation, both visual and mechanical, and don't match up). But I do hope that we also at least get the 'Equip Mainhand, Equip Offhand' option, even if it isn't optimal.
Even if only because of all the fun of combining your damage MainHand with any Effect/Status offhand weapon, or getting interesting combinations out of your two status/Stat boosting one handed weapons. I'm sure they'll manage whatever best suits their design, as it's probably moreso work for the animators than even the itemization team.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."