Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
things promised during kickstarter campaign

yeah, yeah i know i am going way back in time. stretch goal one was PARLOR GAMES : games of chance. As far as I am aware we have yet to see ONE. Stretch goal two: CUTE SMALL PETS. kittens and puppies.. so.. where are they? Goal 3:GROUP MOUNTS . we have seen single person mounts but multiple person ones? goal 4 BACKER ONLY WEAPON SKIN Not seen as of yet, goal 5 ENHANCED NAVAL CONTENT: nada . nothing. zip. zilch. Goal 6:BACKER ONLY ARMOR SKIN. nothing Goal 7:THE UNDERREALM. This we have seen goal 8.SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS. not a peep. Goal 9:
BACKER ONLY DYE SET no dyes seen as of yet. Goal 10: NEW UNDERREALM RACE this we have seen Goal 11:BACJKER ONLY MOUNT BARDING nothing Goal 12:BACKER ONLY SKILL FX. nothing Goal 13:STOCK EXCHANGE minimal coverage. A LOT of the promised goals have NOT been met. How do you feel about that? (here is a link to the kickstarter so you can see the goals for yourself ; of creation )
BACKER ONLY DYE SET no dyes seen as of yet. Goal 10: NEW UNDERREALM RACE this we have seen Goal 11:BACJKER ONLY MOUNT BARDING nothing Goal 12:BACKER ONLY SKILL FX. nothing Goal 13:STOCK EXCHANGE minimal coverage. A LOT of the promised goals have NOT been met. How do you feel about that? (here is a link to the kickstarter so you can see the goals for yourself ; of creation )
No, the game is far from done yet, so not only does the poop you are throwing not stick, it misses the mark completely. If you have lost your trust in Intrepid to honor the promises they made during the Backing Phase, that is fine as long as you label your post as such. You also could have named it "concerns about Kickstarter stretch goal progress" anything that had actually some substance to it.
Instead we get a lazy edited tantrum. That is what the incapability to keep your feelings under control get you, word vomit and a block of mimimi.
Is this your first time seeing a game being developed?
Holy shit, your expectations are so far out of sync with reality it is actually kind of breathtaking.
Parlor games are not something most players are all that interested in. They have no connection to the larger game - no other system, mechanic or content requires them, feeds off of them or feeds in to them. As such, there is literally no reason to spend developer time on them until all the things that do have other mechanics, systems or content relying on them are done.
Your pet skins are also likely to not be something shown off. There is no need to show them off. Players cant purchase them, it isnt going to generate any goodwill or buzz in the community, and absolutely will result in some people being upset. Best bet for Intrepid with these is to just have them ready for you when the game launches.
Group mounts are something that probably needs to wait for sieges to be more fleshed out. Since e the mounts are said to be able to have weapons mounted on them, Intrepid probably want to wait until they know what weapons they want to mount. They *could* give us some concept art, but that is all it would be.
Backer only weapon skins fall in to that same pile as pets above - the best thing to do is to just make sure they are ready for release.
Naval content is something we are starting to hear about.
Armor skins fall in to that same pile as pets and weapon skins from above.
Social organizations are something we have a small amount of information on, but likely need nodes to be more fleshed out before any further development is done on them.
Dye set falls in to the same pile as pets, weapon and armor skin from above. Seriously though, do you expect Intrepid to showcase a color here?
Backer only mount barring falls in to that same pile.
Backer only skill effects falls in to that same pile as well.
Stock exchange needs nodes (specifically the economic node, I would imagine) more fully fleshed out before they can be worked on in earnest.
Seriously, stop.
Stock exchange:
Parlor games:
...and you get my drift, right @ashone ? They are in no obligation to tell us prior to release about the other things you mentioned. It is certainly best to surprise customers on release with some of the game features, rather than tell Everything ahead of time.
I am quite satisfied that they are fulfilling their promises.
I'm going to read off the list of things I don't give a shit about.
Parlor Games, Cute Small Pets, Backer Only Weapons Skin, Backer Only Aquatic Mount, Back Only Dye Set, Backer Only Mount Barding, Back Only Mount FX, and the Stock Exchange, also throw in Monster Coins.
These things should be pruned from the game.
Here's what I do care about from that list; Tulnar, the Underrealm, and Social Orgs.
We've barely begun to see proper pieces of the surface world, yet they are expected to reveal the underrealm?
We haven't even seen basic naval combat, yet they are expected to show us evidence of the enhanced stuff?
They are expected to show us a stock exchange, when we've barely even seen proper buildings or a basic market system with which to even house it?
The only stretch goal I could possibly see them showing us at this stage in development is the pets, but there is no reason they should be a priority for Intrepid over, for example, the monthly purchasable armour/mounts/buildings, which are all subtle variations of game elements they are already developing to flesh out the Mobs and NPCs within the core game.
You sure about that?
Love him to bits
Pretty good! Lots to look forwards to, even after the base game is ready!
Exciting times!
Based take, prune the backer cosmetics
But, some of this reminds me of one of the best secondary skill game I have ever seen in a MMO, Diplomacy in Vanguard Sage of Heroes. The way it is interweaved into the actual mechanics of the game and how it affects your progression was so, so good. I really wished MMO makers would study that specific mechanic and find ways to replicate and improve on the concept going into the future.
so you saying they can promise something, not deliver, and its a bit much asking them to?
You the exact type of fanboi, that's the reason we have so many dud MMOs out there.
Neurath didn't say it was ok for them to not deliver, he said it was ok for them to not deliver kickstarter rewards until the game is made.
I mean, do you really care about your kickstarter rewards if the game isn't made?
Like, honestly?
He wants his boat to sink... with love, passion and respect for the people going under with it. XD
You literarily do not know anything about game development. What you are saying is trying to suggest the game is finished so everything they said should have been finished.
I'm questioning if you know anything about AoC, also i hope you aren't in any leadership position in your guild. You are fit to lead anything. If you are you are KoS when i see you in AoC
U.S. East