Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Did I understand the point of killing the players?
Greetings to all!
Just a small question, in many MMORPG, the interest of the pvp (besides the pleasure) is to win various currencies to exchange for rewards, or titles.
I have no knowledge of similar mechanics in AoC. So, since the best equipment can be manufactured, I imagine that the PvP reward is the acquisition of the player’s resources eliminated, in order to manufacture the said equipment?
Just a small question, in many MMORPG, the interest of the pvp (besides the pleasure) is to win various currencies to exchange for rewards, or titles.
I have no knowledge of similar mechanics in AoC. So, since the best equipment can be manufactured, I imagine that the PvP reward is the acquisition of the player’s resources eliminated, in order to manufacture the said equipment?
As I see it, pvp is there to just compete for the sources of those mats, be it mobs, bosses, quests or gatherables. If you get some mats from the dead player - great, that's a bonus, but I don't see it being the main goal.
Just that scenario alone would have PVP around it for weeks to setup the actual PVP of the siege itself.
Pvp in real mmos is about who gets to eat and who gets to starve. Not about PvP currencies and pvp vendors.
But then again, there are no real mmos. Just optional, instanced content. PvE zones and PvP battlegrounds (large or small). And so, people look for a "meaning to pvp".
You PvP to claim mobs, you pvp to claim resources, you pvp to claim control, you pvp to hinder (not "gRiEf") rivals.
Even the PvPers probably aren't going to effectively pvp right away. They will need setup time and by the time they use that setup time, entire town communities will already be setup.
There is a strength to having a bard class in the game for instance. DPS classes have minimal buffs. They just have to focus on doing damage. So noobs won't really have much holding them back from being useful in the beginning since they just have to learn damage rotations for the damage classes. Having new players have any inch of usefulness in the early game even when they suck is big in pvp.
U.S. East
Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.
-Mike Tyson
1) Guilds will be the dominant communities, not nodes.
2) Skilled mmo players will turn purple/red from Lv1. I dont think you have seen a real mmo launch.
3) While a bunch of node lovers try to form hit squads, the guild that went purple, has claimed the mobs, leveled up and moved on to the next goal
4) PvPers arent going to be effective? You mean to say that a node of hundreds of people will become more organized, faster than a close knit group of 5-10 friends? Wakanda logic is this? It's easier to organize a small group of ppl than a large.
It's easier to organize a group of ppl with clear communication (friends/guild), than random node citizens.
5) nobody has buffs at starting levels. There are no dps, buffs, or any other roles. You got a wooden club and you hit whatever is in front of you. If people dislike owpvp they will get left behind, still trying to figure out a "formation" or whatever.
Whoever has the willingness to fight back will level up in AoC.
Whoever things that owpvp needs parameters will judge the game poorly.
the bloodlust, you underestimate
Again, I'm talking specifically about PKing/open world PvP/corruption PvP. Caravans will, hopefully, be a common source of PvP without corruption.
One might kill a player for:
Pvp / Pk`ing is often down for a larger guild / community agenda
1. "A corrupt player’s location is revealed to bounty hunters on their world map" + "The more skill and stat dampening applies (lower health and mana, lower gear proficiency), until the corrupt player ultimately becomes ineffective at combat.This dampening only affects PvP combat" + "There is a 60 second timer to logout while corrupt. Force-disconnecting the client during the cooldown will leave the character in-game" = PK will die eventually.
2. [1] + "The higher chance of dropping of carried raw materials and gear (Weapons and Armor) when the corrupted player dies" + "Corrupt players suffer death penalties at four times the rate of a non-combatant" = PK will lose more than they gained.
They can heal and buff their PKer, (thus turning purple).
Let those that dare flag.
Either way, I really hope that Intrepid stick with the BH idea and, ideally, even expand it.
That is what happened in L2.
Say one member of a group was decided to be the one to pk (go red) and then several other members in the group had to pk to protect that member from other players.. sometimes the threat of pk was intimidating enough that there was no fight back.. sometimes not.. was a quick judgement call.. much easier in an established server with known players / guilds.. sometimes though the first red kept killing but then again, sometimes their pk count was already border high (after wearing off the karma but not cleansing the pk) so others had to step in.. and then it was a true risky situation..
They have shown that cleric can do curved ball attacks.. which means they can attack out of sight.. wonder if single or chain healing can be done without line of sight.. that will make things interesting!
Yeah, that could be interesting.
Does that even need to be said?
PvP was mostly done out of disrespect from others.
And it escalates accordingly.
Ofc there was always those ones who went for the fun or for the loot.
But most cases were because of arguments between players or disrespect.
Thats why while i dont like the punishment the corruption system gives, but i understand it to avoid too much killing abuse.
I think the same reasons will happen in AoC... PvP will mostly be out of disrespect.
Ofc many guilds have a heavy agenda of being the top pvx guild and yada yada yada, but i think the corruption system quite denies it, so top guilds will be mostly top on the scheduled and instanced pvp modes.
But who knows... just awaiting the game to check things out xD
Unnecessary, it's already well established within our social dogma.
Aren't we all sinners?