Foot prints?
Sorry if this has been answered already. I'm new here & I don't have access to Alpha testing. I've been watching many trailers about the games development/progress. One thing I've noticed is the lack of player footprints in snow, ripples in water or even the large pathing cyclops prints. Maybe it's just the image quality of the videos I'm watching. I would think this detail would already be a discussion with how detailed the environment is. I hope to see you all in Beta (can't afford the Alpha access) & have a great weekend!
The foot prints seemed to face random direction to the player.
The other players footprints were not visibile in the latest game play.
My thoughts show both or neither.
Age of Conan, there was a tracking skill by some classes. I could cast then track a player last couple of minute footprints..great for stealth vs stealth fighting!