Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I believe it would be a good idea if the community could have some Q&A session with him,
i'm pretty sure many would be interested in having him answer some questions.
The questions i'm probably most interested in are:
What was the specific "Additional Designs" that he worked on NW?
How familiarized(design-wise) he is with the main games Ashes of Creation draws inspirations from?
(Lineage 2, Archeage, Star Wars Galaxies and Eve Online)
Considering EverQuest was the game he started with and had most experience in, which aspects of EverQuest design he considers the most important ones and which of those aspects he believes Ashes would benefit the most?
Aren't we all sinners?
"i'ts regionalized economy and risk vs reward in transportation."
Aren't we all sinners?
Some examples (not sure if any is his) found here:
Hope to see you in one of the upcoming livestreams!
Wtf are you even saying, Amazon games isn't a big studio, not by any stretch of the imagination. Did you write that just because Amazing is so massive?
And it sold 20 million copies cause it was a little bit of eye candy, an MMO(we've been desperate for years), had lots of promises that weren't delivered, and was sold from one of the largest businesses in the world, a household name.
Sold THAT many copies and is critically acclaimed to be in the bottom of the barrel of MMOs, so much so it's a lasting meme in the community, nice. Typical corporate cash grab. Gotm! I would be ashamed and denounce them, in hopes any respectable companies would look kindly onto picking me up. Which I'm sure, between Steven and him, he has. How could you not lol.
In part because the person in question basically invented the modern MMORPG genre.
there are some nw devs working in aoc already. i think we met one in a past stream. there is nothing wrong with that.
I have mixed feelings here. I think the mmo genre needs a complete overhaul and fresh ways of thinking if it’s going to survive. I understand his experience is adept, but if old themes of a past era are brought into AoC it will become another one in the dust heap. I sincerely hope he brings his expertise but not his experience.
I think you have it backwards here.
A part if the reason many MMO's recently have been shit is because they have strayed too far from the original intent and purpose of the genre.
Going back to those roots is what is needed, not running even further from them.
This is kind of what the grand plan for Ashes is - Steven used to even wear a "Make MMO's Great Again" hat to reinforce that this is the goal.
As to New World and Bill's experiences with it, I would wager his major lesson from that is to avoid rigid deadlines - release the game when it's ready - not that I expect he had any say in the matter when it was Amazon corporate that essentially demanded the final release date (they wanted New World to be the cornerstone of Amazon Games).
He wasn't responsible for New World. He worked on it but wasn't a lead on it.
If working on something == responsible for it then I'm afraid to tell you Ashes has an employee that used to work on Chronicles of Elyria.
Ashes is a scam confirmed
That is entirely based on your position, the higher the position the more responsibilities you have.....I feel like you were trying to word this another way... You can definitely be responsible for a good amount of elements depending, though it doesn't mean everything is clear cut.
Not that there is much point on trying to assume what is right or wrong exactly unless you are told exactly why, or worked in the company and know.
Ombwah is a Senior Quest Designer for Ashes - not Lead Quest Designer.
Creative Director does not mean Amazon Execs cannot dictate that their game must be more PvE friendly.
That is actually interesting, didn't know he was the creative director and new world was designed as more of a survival pvp mmorpg to begin with before all the changes. is one of the,his extensive experience with MMORPGs.
But... may be that he was a Creative Director at Amazon Games, but not for New World, specifically.
bill is listed as additional design.