Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Songs of the Sea Concerns: Nikua Slighted?

Concern Number One: The Nikua are supposed to be "highly skilled" artisans, yet all we have seen so far are simplistic stone, wood and thatch designs. Compared to the intricacies of the Dunheim Dungeon or the beauty of the designs in the Forest of Erinthia, why couldn't the Nikua use mother of pearl and other shells, shiny and colorful skins from sea beasts and fish, corals or even lightning created beach glass to skillfully decorate their buildings? Why can't a Nikua Metropolis be as beautiful, shining and astounding as the Vaelune?
Concern Number Two: Is the Shell-Gem Diver Cosmetic a pair of pants or a full body cosmetic? It does show a body strap, armbands and necklace. If a full body cosmetic, even if I'm wearing full plate beneath it, will a Nikua skin be shown or the skin of my own race? Without the body strap, the heavy weighted belt and bag would fall down. So, belt or pant slot or full cosmetic skin? (BTW love the Shoalskipper)
Concern Number Two: Is the Shell-Gem Diver Cosmetic a pair of pants or a full body cosmetic? It does show a body strap, armbands and necklace. If a full body cosmetic, even if I'm wearing full plate beneath it, will a Nikua skin be shown or the skin of my own race? Without the body strap, the heavy weighted belt and bag would fall down. So, belt or pant slot or full cosmetic skin? (BTW love the Shoalskipper)
To your first concern - it would seem easier to me to just alter that flavor text.
To your second point, it is a full body cosmetic. All cosmetics on the store are full body.
An argument could be made (and would be made by some Polynesian cultures) that if Intrepid attempted to do something like this, they are taking an existing culture and trying to gentrify it.
If you actually look over the flavor text in the cosmetics, there is a surprising amount that is culturally accurate. I mean, even the cosmetic torch flavor text has reference to a traditional Polynesian cooking method (most closely resembling the Maori peoples hangi, imo).
Paying some respect to your source cultures is more important than adding bling.