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Community animation feedback

EathanEathan Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Steve asked for community feedback on the animal animations within freeholds. I personally am okay with a more violent animation than the one currently in place. As mentioned in todays livestream a game is good when it is both fun and realistic. I wanna do more than just pet a sheep for its wool, or pet a pig and see it fall over. What are your all's personal thoughts?


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    NiKrNiKr Member
    Eh, I'm ok with the current animations. I don't need the game to be insanely accurate or show me the process in first person pov. The sound + animation on that pig kill was more than enough for me.
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    AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I play MineCraft.

    I specifically have Diamond Knives with Fire Aspect so that when I backstab the cow it dies and becomes a steak and leather instantly instead of literally fleeing in terror while on fire.

    I'm sure there are players out there who would feel squeamish or weird about this, or moreso because the animals look more realistic?

    But for me, it's all the same.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
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    edited June 2023
    Since they do welcome feedback on this. The sound was a little too much for me. But I would suggest to not let players kill animals that aren’t of age. You shouldn’t be able to kill a piglet/calf (As there's no reason for it).
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    NiKrNiKr Member
    Since they do welcome feedback on this. The sound was a little too much for me. But I would suggest to not let players kill animals that aren’t of age. You shouldn’t be able to kill a piglet/calf (As there's no reason for it).
    Pfft, the juciest tenderest meat! Best recipes made with that!
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    NiKr wrote: »
    Since they do welcome feedback on this. The sound was a little too much for me. But I would suggest to not let players kill animals that aren’t of age. You shouldn’t be able to kill a piglet/calf (As there's no reason for it).
    Pfft, the juciest tenderest meat! Best recipes made with that!

    Lamb instead of Mutton, Veal instead of Beef, etc.
    This link may help you:
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    NiKr wrote: »
    Since they do welcome feedback on this. The sound was a little too much for me. But I would suggest to not let players kill animals that aren’t of age. You shouldn’t be able to kill a piglet/calf (As there's no reason for it).
    Pfft, the juciest tenderest meat! Best recipes made with that!

    Calling PETA! lol
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Didn't like the petting animations. Looked too old school and too detached from intent for my liking.
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    edited June 2023
    The slaughtering animation is fine, its as violent as the one present in ArcheAge(No petting, but the AA one is more comical than violent imo), which was within expectation, i wouldn't mind a more violent one tho.

    As for the shearing animation the AA one is better as the character actually snips at the sheep's wool with a scissor.

    Extra: Adding visual example of said animations in AA

    Slaughtering at 29 sec :

    Shearing at 5min 16sec:
    Aren't we all sinners?
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited July 2023
    NiKr wrote: »
    Since they do welcome feedback on this. The sound was a little too much for me. But I would suggest to not let players kill animals that aren’t of age. You shouldn’t be able to kill a piglet/calf (As there's no reason for it).
    Pfft, the juciest tenderest meat! Best recipes made with that!

    Calling PETA! lol

    Careful, they kill more cats than anyone else on the planet.
    You shouldn’t be able to kill a piglet/calf (As there's no reason for it).

    Actually, there is often a reason to do this.

    Lets say you have the space and resources to raise 5 more pigs, but your sow has a litter of 9 pigs. You have 4 that you need to dispatch of at some point. While selling them is sometimes an option, it is also sometimes not an option. Killing them young is - in this case - the most humane thing to do, you are doing right by all of your pigs by ensuring they have enough food and enough space.
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    DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    Sorry didn't realize you started a thread about the pig already. The title implies animations in general. I'll paste the answer I had from another thread:

    "Leave it in there. It's fine, the hamburger I had this afternoon came from somewhere.

    You could modernize it though. The animals are stunned, and rendered senseless, first these days. Around 2 percent of the time (the stats tend to vary) the animal is not stunned due to a thicker skull or whatnot (so the industry could try to eliminate that).

    The point is, instead of a throat slit amid loud screaming (which is not how its done these days) do an animation that stuns then stabs. The stun renders it senseless, the stab kills it. Clean, but deadly. The meat comes from somewhere and we eat it every day after all."
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    A sorcerer could use magic, make the pig implode instantly and become pressed ham without it even realizing the transition from life to death.
    A necromancer however could lift the pig like a Jedi and separate the blood for later use. Attacking the necromancer during this process would make spilling the blood onto everybody nearby.
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    CawwCaww Member
    it's all gonna grow old after awhile so make it quick with an option to mute the sound effect
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    honestly feel like there should have been atleast a little more blood
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