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Player Housing Question

AbaratAbarat Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited July 2023 in General Discussion
The wiki states that the owners of taverns (which by definition, i believe, means owning a Freehold is a prerequisite) can "rent out rooms". Is this a temporary buff mechanism or is it another form of player housing?

If I could rent a (instanced maybe even) room from a tavern in the world, based upon an agreement i reached with the freehold owner socially (not through the game itself), that would be pretty cool. the terms of the lease could be entered into the system so they are enforced fairly, or at least have a mechanism for evictions, etc. the number of rooms could start small and go up with the level of the tavern, but still remain pretty small.

Perhaps renting a room on the freehold offers varying degrees of access to the artisan buildings, etc.

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