Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
None Forgotten

Traditionally, a dwarf that has passed is cremated in a special funeral forge, the heat of which is used to craft a tool or weapon associated with the dwarf in life. It is said that a bit of the deceased one’s spirit is imbued in the creation. For those rare and few that are honored with entombment in stone within the Dünir’s earthen halls, the Tombwardens keep a reverent and glorified watch.
The None Forgotten cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from August 9, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific until September 13, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that Charms and Good Fortune addons will be removed on August 9, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.
We’d also like to inform our glorious community that the unannounced September Pre-Order Packs will be our final Pre-Order Packs. More information regarding this can be found in the FAQ at the end of this article.
For more information, check out our news post:

Black dragon scale armor ?
Grudges deep and long, In their hearts they belong, For wrongs done to their kin, They’ll never let it go within.
The Dünzenkell mountain halls echo with their song, Of battles fought and wrongs undone, Of treasures lost and foes vanquished, Of oaths sworn and grudges finished.
The Dünzenkell Dwarves are proud and strong, Their beards long and their axes sharp, their hammers high !!! Their hearts full of honor and duty, Their spirits unbreakable and mighty.
Here's hoping for April 2024 Alpha 2.
EDIT: Now the proud Pledger for an Alpha 2 Key.
Flaming Skulls Away!
Will definitely be picking up some of this stuff.
long coat, black cowboy hat
war horse
compound bow or small cannon
please make us something fun and original
It's usually a couple of days before it goes on sale. Any day, now.
On Danger that i look, sound and seem like a complete Shop-Buyer (lol),
i hope that just like in for Example WoW (World of Warcraft) - these amazing looking things that are not available anymore later on as a Pre-Order kind of Purchase and so on,
are later on available in the Shop or so. Simply because they look so amazingly made - saying it took probably kinda a lot of Effort and Time to make them, so that they look so nice.
Wouldn't it be a Shame, if they are in the Game's Files and Data for Years and Years and Y~EARS to come, only for Players to see them on like 0,01% of the Playerbase or something like that,
and they all get to know : " Jeah You don't get to have something like this EVER (lol) because you weren't there Years before when You probably didnt even know about the Game already - and know you know there is awesome Stuff you could have ingame, but you will never get it. "
OOFFF. That would suck. That would suck big time. It would also a bit of a Slap into the Face of whoever makes these.
I understand and am well-aware, that hired Developers, Programmers, etc. - don't even get all the Time to make their own Choices and have their own Way with what they "want" to make,
but this would also suck to make some awesome Models ingame, Armor, Pets, Mounts, etc. - knowing that these get only handed out for like a few Weeks or so : and then nobody can EVER get them again, if he or she hasn't purchased them at a certain point in time.
( Of Course best would be, if one wouldn't even need to use a "Shop" for this - but i know sometimes Developers can't be picky and need a bit of a Side-Money Scource aside from Monthly Subscriptions and so on. )
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon