Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Pickpocketing in Ashes
I was thinking that now that we know about resource bags and that there is both a rogue and flagging system in the game, would pickpocketing work in AOC?
The way I imagine it would work is a rogue goes upto a player and hits pickpocket and it opens their resource bag and shows the rogue whats in it, if the player they are searching is combat or corruption flagged they can attempt a pickpocket which would steal an item randomly.
I've only thought about this as a PvP mechanic and have put zero thought on how it works in PvE if at all.
The way I imagine it would work is a rogue goes upto a player and hits pickpocket and it opens their resource bag and shows the rogue whats in it, if the player they are searching is combat or corruption flagged they can attempt a pickpocket which would steal an item randomly.
I've only thought about this as a PvP mechanic and have put zero thought on how it works in PvE if at all.
I dont think theres needs to be a fail state for pickpocketing at all, If theres a combat flagged rogue standing next to you, hes probably at the minimum looking in your bags.
I don't think its fair for a class to just have an ability to generate extra resources from PvE for basically free. If you could steal from NPCs then it should steal loot from the mob that it would of dropped if it died. So it would be useless if you are going to kill the mob anyway, but techniquely stealing from other players if they kill the mob but you already have the loot. I think that would be insanely OP though.
I mean, WoW did it pretty well with lockboxes and class resources. It could definitely be improved, but pickpocket-specific loot tables are the best way to go about it imo
For a PvP pickpocketing system in AoC, what can be stolen should be limited to raw materials. The stuff you would drop if you died while purple.
But the question of who can pickpocket and who can be stolen from. Do you allow pickpocketing of greens? Do you allow greens to initiate a pickpocket on any target, and only flag them purple if they fail or are noticed? I see this as being easily abusable.
The safe bet is to only allow purples to initiate and be the target of pickpocketing. But this makes for a very limited system, as most of the time people are green unless fighting. On the ocean, I don't see ships pickpocketing each other. And PvP events are billed as "you don't lose anything for participating" so that would be a bad place to implement pickpocketing
So it might be best to skip pickpocketing players and just have it be a PvE thing
My idea would be that you need to be combat flagged to pickpocket, only the resource bag would be pickpocketable, and you can only look in a non-combatants bag, you can only steal from combatants.
if you are purple and you see a purple guy coming at you, you will fight him. he wont have time to pickpocket...unless he has some skill that does damage and steals.
pickpocketing should be something a green can do to another green. you know lets rp and all that.