Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Why is the main site so barebones?

I came to learn more about the game but instead of the main page telling me why I should be interested in this game I'm more often than not encouraged to buy digital assets for a game I know nothing about yet. Is there a reason why basic details about the game require so much clicking to discover or left to fan sites to collect and organize?


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The wiki is your friend.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Let me introduce you to the friend that Neurath mentioned:
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    It's a website for a game that.... quite literally, doesn't exist ^^
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  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    The reason the website doesn't have a whole pile of hype to get you excited about the game is because the game is still years out.

    No point in getting people hyped up for it yet, thus no point in having much information on the website other than that the game exists.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    u guys are missing the point. he has a point
  • Raven016Raven016 Member
    Why is the main site so barebones?

    I came to learn more about the game but instead of the main page telling me why I should be interested in this game I'm more often than not encouraged to buy digital assets for a game I know nothing about yet. Is there a reason why basic details about the game require so much clicking to discover or left to fan sites to collect and organize?
    Because there is no game yet to advertise. It is too early to advertise in this stage.
    They also don't want half of Earth population to sign up for Alpha 2 tests, with wipes and bugs.
  • EhrgeizEhrgeiz Member
    Come back in 2-3 years for more infos
  • PercimesPercimes Member
    Being still in alpha, a phase of development that is rarely that publicly open, many of the typical things put on are still subject to change. Many elements are not "ready" to be presented, some visuals have not received all their revision passes. We've haven't seen the Ren'Kai for a while now. The interface is still a work in progress. Etc.

    How representative would presenting placeholders on an official page be? Usually, at this stage of development, almost everything is still under the cover of secrecy. What's unusual is not the lack of information on the official webpage: it's the amount of official (at this point) information on other places such as the wiki, youtube, etc.
    Be bold. Be brave. Roll a Tulnar !
  • CawwCaww Member, Alpha Two
    The game isn't even fully fleshed out yet but AoC could do a better job of having some introductory commentary on the front page describing some aspects they have already firmly decided. Making people go thru the videos does not provide the kind of overview that a few articles from the Community team would.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    they dont need to advertise the game on their website. you do ads for advertising that bring players to the website. but they should include what things you will be able to do once the game is out on the website (they do but not enough) and then motivate people to buy stuff and support the development.

    so yes, hyping the game up on the site isnt a bad thing, because people will spend money and support the development.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2023 24
    I don't think the devs know what will be in the game by launch though. Hence the barebones approach.
  • FantmxFantmx Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    100,000 signed up for alpha 2. I am fairly certain they are good on their presentation.

    Who doesn't google a game's name and search?
  • DemostratheDemostrathe Member, Alpha Two
    Fantmx wrote: »
    100,000 signed up for alpha 2. I am fairly certain they are good on their presentation.

    Who doesn't google a game's name and search?

    Morons namely the people who bought voyager packs and whatnot without even glancing at the wiki
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  • AbaratAbarat Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »
    The reason the website doesn't have a whole pile of hype to get you excited about the game is because the game is still years out.

    No point in getting people hyped up for it yet, thus no point in having much information on the website other than that the game exists.

    Quite right.

    If you get people too hyped they start making wild guesses about what the game will have or lack and make snap judgements and the things that they "think" will happen become fact to them. Often filling in knowledge gaps with completely made up things.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    who cares about such stuff?
  • JindoshiJindoshi Member
    I came to learn more about the game but instead of the main page telling me why I should be interested in this game I'm more often than not encouraged to buy digital assets for a game I know nothing about yet. Is there a reason why basic details about the game require so much clicking to discover or left to fan sites to collect and organize?

    I agree with you completely, what blows my mind is they don't even have a section on the website that shows all the races and classes. For a game this far along in development to not have that is weird.
    Yes I know there is a wiki page but that doesn't make up for the main website not having fundamental information like races, classes, game world map, factions, lore etc...
    Really need to add that content to the main site now that this game is getting closer to a completed stage.
  • darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I'm willing to bet the site will get a revamp once alpha 2 launches. Things like class discussions, life skills, and so on will probably get their own thread. Bug reporting threads will for sure need to be added so it just makes sense to wait until then to update the site
  • RazThemunRazThemun Member, Alpha Two
    Utilize the wiki. That get's updates.
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited 2023 05
    tautau wrote: »
    Let me introduce you to the friend that Neurath mentioned:

    This! The wiki has tons and tons of information to comb through for Ashes of Creation :)

    We're also hard at work on the website... Exciting things to come there ;)
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