Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Request for clarification from Intrepid.

Regarding this Wiki page:-
After some interesting, debate with people who know just as little about Intrepid's plans as me... that was somewhat civil, I'd really like a little clarification from someone on the inside, so perhaps the Wiki can be updated a little.
Obviously what I, and every other Linux user want is a working game on day one... but what we want isn't really important.... and I'd like to ask for clarification so the Wiki can be clearer.
You have stated that "Native Linux Support" might be possible in future... but I have to tell you that the Linux players proved with Eve Online that they don't want "Native Linux Support", it's a waste of time for the developers, and it's usually bad because it doesn't get the same amount of work as the Windows release.
What we want is to use Wine/Proton to run the Windows version... and, to that end... we want that to require as little effort from Intrepid developers as possible... ideally none what so ever.
So, really there's only a few things I want to clarify if that's at all possible.
a) What do we each mean by "Support"... for the Linux users "Support" means it runs... we're not really used to "Support" meaning that we get any help... although sure, that'd be nice in future maybe... but for now, for us "Support" just means it runs... and we view that as "Wine/Proton/VKD3D" supports AoC, not the other way around.
b) Actively blocking clients running on Linux, account bans etc... It's really hard to work on addressing issues with "Wine/Proton/VKD3D" supporting a game like this, if those testing, and developing are going to get blocked or banned... so I'd like some confirmation if Intrepid is going to be tolerant of people running this way if they can (without assistance from Intrepid's side)... testing and debugging the "Wine/Proton/VKD3D" platform so that it supports the game.... or, if Intrepid will actively try to stop this...
This is what I hope to clarify, because I don't want to be fighting deliberate blocks, or being banned while working on this from the Linux side.... and I do want to run this game, so if I have to spend the time lashing together some kind of Windows accelerator card then I'll do that, but that doesn't help anyone else if I have to go down that route.
PLEASE, don't answer if you're just looking to speculate and muddy the waters... I think it's important to know what intrepid's position is, because upcoming Alpha and Beta tests give us a chance to see if maybe there's going to be no major issues, and it just runs, or if it's going to take some work for the Proton stack to meet the challenge.
After some interesting, debate with people who know just as little about Intrepid's plans as me... that was somewhat civil, I'd really like a little clarification from someone on the inside, so perhaps the Wiki can be updated a little.
Obviously what I, and every other Linux user want is a working game on day one... but what we want isn't really important.... and I'd like to ask for clarification so the Wiki can be clearer.
You have stated that "Native Linux Support" might be possible in future... but I have to tell you that the Linux players proved with Eve Online that they don't want "Native Linux Support", it's a waste of time for the developers, and it's usually bad because it doesn't get the same amount of work as the Windows release.
What we want is to use Wine/Proton to run the Windows version... and, to that end... we want that to require as little effort from Intrepid developers as possible... ideally none what so ever.
So, really there's only a few things I want to clarify if that's at all possible.
a) What do we each mean by "Support"... for the Linux users "Support" means it runs... we're not really used to "Support" meaning that we get any help... although sure, that'd be nice in future maybe... but for now, for us "Support" just means it runs... and we view that as "Wine/Proton/VKD3D" supports AoC, not the other way around.
b) Actively blocking clients running on Linux, account bans etc... It's really hard to work on addressing issues with "Wine/Proton/VKD3D" supporting a game like this, if those testing, and developing are going to get blocked or banned... so I'd like some confirmation if Intrepid is going to be tolerant of people running this way if they can (without assistance from Intrepid's side)... testing and debugging the "Wine/Proton/VKD3D" platform so that it supports the game.... or, if Intrepid will actively try to stop this...
This is what I hope to clarify, because I don't want to be fighting deliberate blocks, or being banned while working on this from the Linux side.... and I do want to run this game, so if I have to spend the time lashing together some kind of Windows accelerator card then I'll do that, but that doesn't help anyone else if I have to go down that route.
PLEASE, don't answer if you're just looking to speculate and muddy the waters... I think it's important to know what intrepid's position is, because upcoming Alpha and Beta tests give us a chance to see if maybe there's going to be no major issues, and it just runs, or if it's going to take some work for the Proton stack to meet the challenge.
This discussion has been closed.
also, there is no obligation (and it's not common) for intrepid staff to answer specific questions with new information here on the forums, this is mainly a place for discussion and feedback, maybe try submitting a question for the monthly live stream Q&A
I believe @Vaknar is the "forums guy"
he made a new thread because people started arguing in the other 2 xDDD
i think the wiki has the answer he is looking for
At this time, Ashes of Creation is being developed for Windows PC only. While we'll continue to evaluate things like this as we get further in development, what's in the wiki is the best information there is on this topic, at this time.