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My Issue with the Caravan System - Risk vs. Reward in PvP



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    JC31JC31 Member
    edited November 2023
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    JC31JC31 Member
    edited November 2023
    "The main problem with the caravan system to me was one side made a caravan and the other side wasn't. Now, EVERYONE has to make and have caravans in their inventory in order to pick up the cargo on the floor. I don't like the idea of people picking up items and riding off with them even if they are small."

    ^ part of original post ^

    This is where they use the idea that you summon mounts the same way caravans are summoned. There is a radius around the node where you can summon your caravan. Make the same radius be where you can summon your mount. You probably can't afford a caravan anyway. Allow mounts to be upgraded in the same way a caravan will be upgraded. Sacrifice movement speed for armor and bag slots. Obviously a mount would carry no where near the same amount that a caravan would. I agree with most of your original post.

    Also, your mount must follow you around once you are outside of the radius of the node and is up for being attacked much like a caravan would be, but no one has to drive the mount because your mount will listen to your commands as long as it is fed and happy.

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