Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
risk-vs-rewards-for-caravans, found a discussion on the forums, but was from 2020. is there a newer one? had an idea to add risk to attackers. If you "fail" and the caravan makes it to its destination, the caravan owner can put out a contract for Bounty hunters to hunt you down. I feel this helps balance the risk, as when you attack the caravan you can control the gear and items on you. but once there is a Bounty out for you, could happen anytime.
Taverns have bulletin boards. All you would have to do is post in taverns "Grub and Molt attacked my caravan! Kill them and send me a screenshot and I will give you 50 gold. Signed, @Kuryvick "
But there is a game mechanic that will make this harder to accomplish. As i understand the corruption system, how many times can you go after "Grub and molt" and kill them unflagged before you can't come into town and see the bulletin board.
Bounty system is in the game, just adding one more instance someone can put a Bounty out doesn't seem like a bad thing
attackers already lose "caravan attackers progression" if they fail. and even if they win, they dont get immediately rewarded. being an attacker kind of sucks right now tbh. why make it even worse?
let me guess, u always want to be a defender and u dont want people attacking u?
First I've seen of "caravan attackers progression" but will need to play with it to understand. Is it zero sum? Not getting a reward from this system is not a risk, does it go Negative and have debuffs?
This is an odd one. My suggestion would add more opportunities for meaningful(having consequences)PvP to the game. Or let me guess, you like your warm blanket of organized and consequence free PvP.
The whole point of the discussion here is to add risk to attacking, not to keep people from attacking my caravan, but to give a reason to participate as an attacker. without risk, what is the enjoyment of succeeding. Don't want risk, go play a game with battle ground.
not sure if you get a debuff, probably not because it seems silly, but steven said there are consequences for failing.
attacking already has too many risks and little rewards compared to defending. adding more risk doesnt encourage pvp. if that was true, there will be more people pking, not less. high risk + low reward = less pvp, not more. if anything, adding incentives or rewards will encourage people to attack more.
Right now it just seems like only the caravan defenders have something to lose, materially speaking. What do the Attackers materially lose? Other than time?
Reward is the success of transporting supplies for larger profit margins.
You don't want to get caught robbing your own node or vassal networks caravans as reputation matters.
time is your most precious resource anyways ;3
if you can farm 1,000 iron ores per hour, and you spend the next 10 hours sitting in town doing nothing, or attacking caravans over and over and failing, dont you think its fair to say that you just lost 10,000 iron ores?
anyways, attacking a caravan and failing:
1- you lose attackers progression
2- if you failed, you most likely died in pvp so you have to spend money and materials repairing your gear. its even worse if you died multiple times.
3- ashes is a highly social game, so its normal that doing certain thing come with social repercussions as well
on top of that, winning the attack isnt even rewarding.
1- some of the loot is destroyed, so you are basically losing loot.
2- you might not be able to loot anything that isnt destroyed, since the defenders can loot their own stuff once the caravan is destroyed.
4- even if you kill everybody, you might still not loot anything if the defenders manage to come back to loot something.
5- even if they cant come back in time, you arent soloing the caravan, other attackers might loot before you do.
6- even if you manage to loot something, you still havent got anything yet. you have to back to the node where the caravan was launched and start your own caravan. you might run into the defenders on the way and die losing loot.
7- even if you manage to go back to the node safely, you still havent got anything yet. now its your turn to defend. you will get your rewards (less than the defenders since you arent having the same amount of loot) once you successfully defend your caravan. if you lose during the defense, you wasted your time during the previous attack, plus you lost social reputation.
8- steven said there will be consequences for failing, so maybe there are more stuff that we dont know? and on top of that you guys wanna make it worse for the attackers? xDD pls
The Consequence of attacking Caravans is, You probably get swindled with a Proxi /Decoy-Wagon or several, gaining nothing,
and probably just "wasted" your Time instead of doing something that might would have been more productive, like farming Stuff or processing Materials.
Caravan-PvP is for Example Corruption-free, right ? It should stay this way - despite it Lore-wise sounding a bit unlogical, as Corruption takes "Everyone" who attacks and kills other Beings, right ? At least if they don't resist.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
Stop asking devs for protection you should be asking your friends for.
More protections for OP caravans will only serve to make big guilds even more powerful.