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a comment about the profession grandmastery

RookkRookk Member, Alpha Two
my own thoughts on the matter are long winded i both know and apoligize for but to start i think that everyone is complaining over nothing to the point that i believe that it could be made that we could grandmaster EVEN 3 PROFESSIONS and still there would be no issue. honestly i think people dont realize JUST how much social interaction, learning, skill and in many different areas mind you, and money/resources goes into each individual profession to the point that honestly even if it were allowed, your liable that you would only RARELY see people grandmaster 3 professions AND ESPECIALLY have those professions each be in a different category.

full stop a short overview for just each tree in general let alone each individual profession would go something like this.

gathering: you first need to make sure you have the correct tools and bags before anything else AND even than you need to make sure you have extra bags as you WILL be needing allies as while a gatherer in a group is likely to not be attack as it wouldnt be worth it as they all likely would be very well geared and it would be too risky for not enough reward like with a caravan, you will need extra bags for each person to help haul back as much as you can all carry AND especially for when your hiring mercenaries and not just going with guildmates, you need to ensure you come back with enough returns lest the word get out that you dont pay people their dues and suck as a gatherer. beyond that there is the further skill needed to survery and find the locations where the resources you want to harvest even are but on top of that, you probably are gonna NEED to be a part of guild anyways as the big and even small guilds will be doing the same and will have more manpower and coordination in their group compisition with the big groups having numbers and the small groups having guild abilities that mean that you will be pushed out and away from any resources without a guild to back you and help fight of competing guilds OR work out trade deals allow you to harvest in that area for a cut of the gathered goods OR profits from selling them to avoid a war your guild cant win but that you all would fight because of your desire to get to gather in that area. oh and there is also the possibility that dungeons will have resources only master level gatherers can get only further encouranging a guild to NEED gatherers.

processors: if you think its gonna be any easier here your dead wrong. firstly while up until max level this issue wont exist as much, at max level when your a grand master processor first and foremost, you NEED to sort out a way to get a freehold and honestly i DOUBT very heavily that hardly ANY solos will be getting their hands on freeholds and instead it will again be guild processors who can have the guild gather finances to make the necessary bid to get the freeholds and more than this, once on a freehold you will have to go to the auction house in the local node OR go to the node so the player your directly buying the resources from can than get them to you so you can start a caravan and get them back to your freehold. this will incur the same worries any other caravan has to deal with meaning again, you will need mercs or since youd already likely be in a guild for the aformentioned reasons, you will need your guildies to come support and protect your caravan so you can get it to your freehold and start processing the goods and of course your guild will be taking a portion of the profit to pay for the protection even if your allies because it helps support everyone else like you were supported and lets you still get profit out of it as after they are processed, you than need to start ANOTHER caravan that than would take the processed goods back to a node but likely a different one further away to sell the processed goods in an area where they are not avalible so you can get more profit for yourself and the guild.

crafters: yet again, not even close to something you could dream to do solo as to get the resources to make enough weapons to level up your recipies to outcompete others AS WELL AS have the manpower and money to buy and than transport the necessary goods to your grandmaster level crafting stations to even then have the ability to make a variety of weapons, you need people behind you meaning you yet again NEED a guild AND a guild not only gives you a good base of customers who get discounts of course for being guildies but also will help spread the word about what items you can make and what level your recipes are to the people in the local nodes. full stop, for a solo crafter to get even HALF of the recognition of a guild crafter would take no lifeing the game to hell and back and taking every revenue stream from every single profession you can to try to make a guilds capital from having so many players bank accounts to draw from.


  • RookkRookk Member, Alpha Two
    honestly i think people just forgot the reason why the artisan system in this game is so anticipated and why it is everyone loves its concept being that nothing is easy nor able to be done on your own to the point that even if you could grandmaster EVERY tree, you almost certainly wouldnt cause it would be to hard to learn so many different professions and master each one so honestly i think they should give a try to let us grandmaster 3 IF WE WANT since again, most will likely proly only grandmaster say armorsmithing and weapon smithing and maybe enchanting or metal working or grandmaster 3 gathering professions that would be done in similar areas or grandmaster 3 processing skills and the people would grandmaster lets say, mining, metalworking, and lets go with weaponsmithing would be top tier artisan players who are the no lifers of the game you could only match if you didnt shower for a month and considers a thin layer of moss under your chins to be facial hair.
  • RookkRookk Member, Alpha Two
    oh and on a last note, part of my idea behind letting us grandmaster 3 professions across any tree is so the processing and gathering wont be so bottlenecked because than 1 gather can gather 3 different types of things or one processor can process 3 different types of materials and i feel like given how hard each profession will be based on what i pointed out in my original comment shows that it might just get TOO bottlenecked because flat out, many who think that wanna be an artisan right now will realize that its not for them and they dont wanna deal with the guild politics and flat out difficulty of each individual profession on its own let alone with the aformentioned guild politics.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    i like the idea of being able to master 3 things, so you can gather the material, process it then craft something, but this would make players too independent.

    also, mastering mining, herbalism and hunting seems too op xD

    balance > other things
  • RookkRookk Member, Alpha Two
    Depraved wrote: »
    i like the idea of being able to master 3 things, so you can gather the material, process it then craft something, but this would make players too independent.

    also, mastering mining, herbalism and hunting seems too op xD

    balance > other things

    ehhh hmmm... uhhh... dont mean to be rude but feels like you ignored the ENTIRE thing i wrote. even a pure 100% only grandmastered logging gatherer would be ENTIRELY dependant on a guild my guy and a solo lumberjack wouldnt even come close to being able to do HALF of what a guild lumberjack could. beyond that the amount of guild reliance, skill, game knowledge, time put into the profession, and connections means that honestly as it stands i see it that even with being able to grandmaster 2 professions of any tree, its GOING to eventually end with WAY too much of a bottleneck coming especially from gatherers and most of all, processors that top tier gear will be almost non existant. honestly i think 4 could even be fine so a gatherer can gather ALL resources since of course mind you, they would still be limited to one gathering bag and set of gathering tools that they can have equipped at once meaning it would still be limiting but not as much so and AND gatherer could be able to bring in a guild whatever resources needed. just read my original post like it seems you havent to get a better picture of the guild politics that are liable to happen when the alpha 2 starts.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    Depraved wrote: »
    i like the idea of being able to master 3 things, so you can gather the material, process it then craft something, but this would make players too independent.

    also, mastering mining, herbalism and hunting seems too op xD

    balance > other things

    ehhh hmmm... uhhh... dont mean to be rude but feels like you ignored the ENTIRE thing i wrote. even a pure 100% only grandmastered logging gatherer would be ENTIRELY dependant on a guild my guy and a solo lumberjack wouldnt even come close to being able to do HALF of what a guild lumberjack could. beyond that the amount of guild reliance, skill, game knowledge, time put into the profession, and connections means that honestly as it stands i see it that even with being able to grandmaster 2 professions of any tree, its GOING to eventually end with WAY too much of a bottleneck coming especially from gatherers and most of all, processors that top tier gear will be almost non existant. honestly i think 4 could even be fine so a gatherer can gather ALL resources since of course mind you, they would still be limited to one gathering bag and set of gathering tools that they can have equipped at once meaning it would still be limiting but not as much so and AND gatherer could be able to bring in a guild whatever resources needed. just read my original post like it seems you havent to get a better picture of the guild politics that are liable to happen when the alpha 2 starts.

    you can equip different bags or stack the same...and u can also go back to town, put stuff in your warehouse , swap bags and gather more. thats beside the point. you could still get everything.

    what i mean is, you could mine some ore, then smelt it, then make heavy armor. sure, if you decide to be a grandmaster armorsmith, you wont be a grandmaster weaponsmith, so you wont be able to make weapons, but you can still make armor. this gives each player a complete artisan loop of gather > process > craft without relying on other players. thats what i meant.

    with the current system of 2 professions, you can either gather and process, then rely on someone else for crafting. gather and craft but rely on someone else for processing. or process and craft but rely on someone else for gathering. or just focus on one of the three. also, you always have alts (which i hate).

    regarding relying on the guild. sure you still have to rely on the guild for pvp and to get stuff, but thats beside the point of doing a full loop of artisanship on one character, unless they make it so that you need multiple items from multiple professions. for example, you would also need leather > processed leather to make your heavy armor, although in lesser quantities than your iron ore. but then you could just make an alt who can gather > process > craft using leathers...people would be able to cover more professions with less characters and less interaction and dependency on other players.
  • RookkRookk Member, Alpha Two
    Depraved wrote: »
    you can equip different bags or stack the same...and u can also go back to town, put stuff in your warehouse , swap bags and gather more. thats beside the point. you could still get everything.

    what i mean is, you could mine some ore, then smelt it, then make heavy armor. sure, if you decide to be a grandmaster armorsmith, you wont be a grandmaster weaponsmith, so you wont be able to make weapons, but you can still make armor. this gives each player a complete artisan loop of gather > process > craft without relying on other players. thats what i meant.

    with the current system of 2 professions, you can either gather and process, then rely on someone else for crafting. gather and craft but rely on someone else for processing. or process and craft but rely on someone else for gathering. or just focus on one of the three. also, you always have alts (which i hate).

    regarding relying on the guild. sure you still have to rely on the guild for pvp and to get stuff, but thats beside the point of doing a full loop of artisanship on one character, unless they make it so that you need multiple items from multiple professions. for example, you would also need leather > processed leather to make your heavy armor, although in lesser quantities than your iron ore. but then you could just make an alt who can gather > process > craft using leathers...people would be able to cover more professions with less characters and less interaction and dependency on other players.

    you could TECHINCALLY do it alone but the thing again your not thinking about is you need people to protect you from pk's and groups who own gathering areas through size or individual power. then when processing you need people to help you buy out a bid on a freehold cause the big guilds will liquidate their members assets so they can afforad their own freehold for THEIR processor since it will bring in money to the guild and mean they dont have to go to a third part to get the materials they gather processed. beyond all that to get the high level recipies AND materials selection to make gear HOWEVER your customer wants it without restrictions, you need a guild to help ya yet again. full stop NO SINGLE PROFESSION can be done even remotely closely to well by yourself and the mere fact that some people still will try to brute force it solo means nothing in the grand scheme cause they will be a drop in the ocean if that.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    you could also gather less contested mats and sell them. steven said every tier will be useful at max level.

    i used to make the most money in nw selling t1 stuff lol

    but yes you will need a guild to consistently get the high level stuff, most likely. but im talking about a full artisanship loop
  • RookkRookk Member, Alpha Two
    well especially for an mmo, if there isnt an inflow of new players than it WILL eventually peter off and die 9 times outta 10 sure so i was wrong at least there but i still wanna point out that guild combat and politics dont care by and large about the low level gear since with their capital they can pay ANY random crafter to make that stuff. what they are concerned about is being able to outfit people in their FINALIZED gear sets so the guild can be actually powerful meaning that its in the same boat if you ask me where you could run a convinence store in a small town and have EVERYONE there love your place cause it always has the right stuff and come and you can make a nice little profit selling the basic stuff but if you EVER wanna truly succeed, that business needs to become the national type chain like freddies or albertsons. full stop its the difference between making a living and winning the game we call life.
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