Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Grand Masters creating and naming items | suggestion

Ok guys,
First thing first, I just woke up, this night I was dreaming I'm in MMO (no name mmo, just random) grinding life skill for smiting, in which I am already a grandmaster, and by lucky chance crafting a UNIQUE item with 0.01% chance. It was powerful demonic weapon, stats were generated randomly within specified thresholds, and, wait for it, I got opportunity to NAME IT!
I want your thoughts guys on possibility to have this in AOC. Maybe we need a one tier higher life skill from Grandmaster, but it would be 1 per character with only difference from Grandmaster is this ability to craft Unique item they get to name it. (You could enforce soft RP for naming an item with manual GM approval system or something like that).
EDIT: This would make every server unique in a sense of min-maxing, since best in slot items are all unique per server. A lot of re-playability.
EDIT 2: Also this success of a grand-grandmaster would grant them ability to make recipes of this weapon/tool which then they can sell it to others. But naming and stats are of the original.
First thing first, I just woke up, this night I was dreaming I'm in MMO (no name mmo, just random) grinding life skill for smiting, in which I am already a grandmaster, and by lucky chance crafting a UNIQUE item with 0.01% chance. It was powerful demonic weapon, stats were generated randomly within specified thresholds, and, wait for it, I got opportunity to NAME IT!
I want your thoughts guys on possibility to have this in AOC. Maybe we need a one tier higher life skill from Grandmaster, but it would be 1 per character with only difference from Grandmaster is this ability to craft Unique item they get to name it. (You could enforce soft RP for naming an item with manual GM approval system or something like that).
EDIT: This would make every server unique in a sense of min-maxing, since best in slot items are all unique per server. A lot of re-playability.
EDIT 2: Also this success of a grand-grandmaster would grant them ability to make recipes of this weapon/tool which then they can sell it to others. But naming and stats are of the original.
Even better, because this would be rare, you can make it so after choosing a name for this item you would have to basically wait for GM to approve it before you can do anything with it, like sell it or replicate it with recipes.
just say you wanna be able to name your items.
+Sectorfjorder+ Series Mark I Starfighter Booster by No'vaik Studios was unnecessarily long, but I enjoyed reviewing my shop's inventory.
Could be interesting too if the enhancement level added a prefix in combination to the name and potentially other words.
Either way, impartial.
Where is fun in that?
You mean,
there is One-in-a-Million-like Chance or so -> that You can name your Weapon ? Only when You make like several Thousand Items and then, the " 0.01% " Chance drops, that You can name it ?
As cool as this sounds,
i wonder what for absurd, silly, funny, or outrageous Names People will come up with. Could be funny ... ...
However, degenerate, sexual and kinky Names shouldn't you get you surprised if you are either forced to re-name your Item afterwards, or if it gets just "re-named" into a Standart-named Item by a GM, if you either accidentally or intentionally messed the Name up.
I can understand,
when Items like in WoW - are for Example named in Regard of " Who " was the Blacksmith who created for Example a Weapon. Or an Armor Piece.
Naming an Item could be cool. But it is also a Test of Responsibility for the Player Community.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
how so? because people will refuse to buy your items if you killed them in pvp, or one of their friends. they will even go to extreme lengths to convince their guild or node to not buy from you. they will be so bitter and resentful. normally, you could bypass this by selling on an alt, but if the item can be linked to you, by its name or by knowing you created it, then you cant avoid that.
at some point, no one will be buying / selling outside of their inner circle, since people will always do things to piss someone else off
We'll probably have filters with which to search for stats/qualities on items, but a lot of games seem to have a lot of bugs, around this feature. If AoC faces the same issue, then it would be handy to see something like this, when searching the market:
Guilded Long Sword +4 Dmg / +3 Block / Level 25 by Smitty
Guilded Long Sword +10 Damage / Lvl 30
Guilded Long Sword by Valhalla Craftworks
SERVER-CAPPED Guilded Long Sword +12 Dmg / +5 Block / Level 35
Stabby Stick by Reesgaard / +9Dmg
Guilded Long Sword
Obviously, some people just *won't* name items, even given the opportunity - but there are certainly instances where it comes in handy. Some object names are more-helpful than others.
I'll try to find the quote but I recently heard about how stats can affect the naming profile of the item. Remember how in early Diablo games where the prefix word determined what the item was primarily about?
Swift Axe = Increased Attack Speed
Deadly Axe = High Crit Dmg
I believe Intrepid is planning on something similar based on the item's recipe ingredients used for the process.
This creator gives a good explanation break down from the live stream on how the ingredient quality and type affects the item but also the naming when talking about the sub recipe system.
IE copper sword = brutal copper sword as it focuses on crit damage.
Around the 3:00 minute mark to 4:00 minute mark. But the whole video is worth watching