Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Item Decay
Let's talk about Item Decay here. The reason I am bringing this up is because I love crafting. Prior to WOW coming out in 2004 I loved crafting in SWG and UO. My wares always sold; most notably my Rocket Launchers in SWG. I knew how to make the best Rocket Launchers on the server. I learned what mats would give me the best stats on my Rocket Launchers. I also loved the fact that they were only so many usages and kept me busy as a crafter. I also used my Rocket Laucnehrs on my commando but that is another story.
These items decayed over time keeping me very busy as a Crafter. In UO I always made armor and Recall scrolls which were my biggest 2 sellers. If not for Item Decay crafting would be all but useless. WOW Proves my point because yes for the first 2 years of WOW Crafting was needed because you needed to make resistance gear but then they took that out. When most people had an item that never decays there is no need to craft these items anymore. Over the years I stopped crafting because there is 0 need for it anymore because people sit and do dungeons for gear and the gear never decays.
I think Ashes needs a Item Decay system. What I mean by that is in SWG my Rocket Launcher would be good for X amount of shots. My Launcher Pistols also would decay but you would be able to repair them so many times. The Armor you wore would also decay after so my repairs. Crafters were always needed because these items had to be replaced every so often. It was not every week or 2 weeks unless you just tried to face smash everything and died 20+ times. But we need some kind of Item Decay system that makes Armor and Weapons Decay. We also need special weapons like in Dark and Light a Staff that will throw a huge rock 2 miles but it only has 5 charges. If we had these mechanics crafters would always be needed and YES players would need to socialize with a crafter to help keep a stock of armor and weapons OR they would need to look at the vendors to buy these items.
Item Decay is good because there should be no raid bosses in this game that should take 8 weeks to learn how to kill like Razorgore.
These items decayed over time keeping me very busy as a Crafter. In UO I always made armor and Recall scrolls which were my biggest 2 sellers. If not for Item Decay crafting would be all but useless. WOW Proves my point because yes for the first 2 years of WOW Crafting was needed because you needed to make resistance gear but then they took that out. When most people had an item that never decays there is no need to craft these items anymore. Over the years I stopped crafting because there is 0 need for it anymore because people sit and do dungeons for gear and the gear never decays.
I think Ashes needs a Item Decay system. What I mean by that is in SWG my Rocket Launcher would be good for X amount of shots. My Launcher Pistols also would decay but you would be able to repair them so many times. The Armor you wore would also decay after so my repairs. Crafters were always needed because these items had to be replaced every so often. It was not every week or 2 weeks unless you just tried to face smash everything and died 20+ times. But we need some kind of Item Decay system that makes Armor and Weapons Decay. We also need special weapons like in Dark and Light a Staff that will throw a huge rock 2 miles but it only has 5 charges. If we had these mechanics crafters would always be needed and YES players would need to socialize with a crafter to help keep a stock of armor and weapons OR they would need to look at the vendors to buy these items.
Item Decay is good because there should be no raid bosses in this game that should take 8 weeks to learn how to kill like Razorgore.
These items decayed over time keeping me very busy as a Crafter. In UO I always made armor and Recall scrolls which were my biggest 2 sellers. If not for Item Decay crafting would be all but useless. WOW Proves my point because yes for the first 2 years of WOW Crafting was needed because you needed to make resistance gear but then they took that out. When most people had an item that never decays there is no need to craft these items anymore. Over the years I stopped crafting because there is 0 need for it anymore because people sit and do dungeons for gear and the gear never decays.
I think Ashes needs a Item Decay system. What I mean by that is in SWG my Rocket Launcher would be good for X amount of shots. My Launcher Pistols also would decay but you would be able to repair them so many times. The Armor you wore would also decay after so my repairs. Crafters were always needed because these items had to be replaced every so often. It was not every week or 2 weeks unless you just tried to face smash everything and died 20+ times. But we need some kind of Item Decay system that makes Armor and Weapons Decay. We also need special weapons like in Dark and Light a Staff that will throw a huge rock 2 miles but it only has 5 charges. If we had these mechanics crafters would always be needed and YES players would need to socialize with a crafter to help keep a stock of armor and weapons OR they would need to look at the vendors to buy these items.
Item Decay is good because there should be no raid bosses in this game that should take 8 weeks to learn how to kill like Razorgor