Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Height Speculation

Medieval European male humans on average 1.7 meters (about 67 inches) tall.
My estimated human heights could range from 48in to 84in (1.2192m to 2.1336m) for either sex.
Empyrean elves could range from 54in - 90in (1.3716m to 2.286) tall.
Py,rai elves are the same as Empyrean excluding antlers in terms of height.
Dunir dwarves could range from 30in to 50in (0.762m to 1.27m) tall.
Nikua are the same as Dunir.
Vek orcs could range from 66in to 102in (1.6764m to 2.5908m) tall.
Ren,kai orcs could range from 60in to 96in (1.524m to 2.4384m) tall.
Sometimes Tulnar could descend from giants, Tulnar height could range from 30in to 120in (0.762m to 3.048m) tall.
My estimated human heights could range from 48in to 84in (1.2192m to 2.1336m) for either sex.
Empyrean elves could range from 54in - 90in (1.3716m to 2.286) tall.
Py,rai elves are the same as Empyrean excluding antlers in terms of height.
Dunir dwarves could range from 30in to 50in (0.762m to 1.27m) tall.
Nikua are the same as Dunir.
Vek orcs could range from 66in to 102in (1.6764m to 2.5908m) tall.
Ren,kai orcs could range from 60in to 96in (1.524m to 2.4384m) tall.
Sometimes Tulnar could descend from giants, Tulnar height could range from 30in to 120in (0.762m to 3.048m) tall.
Very interesting. a lot of elves and dwarves generally come from celtic/nordic mythology if that is anything to go by. I think Orcs are roman mythology? but i could be mistaken. That could give some insight to min/max heights in relation according to mythos.
Interesting take, that's for sure!
Yours truly always makes my toons as tall as they can be, when it's an option. Makes the toon stand out more, during player-hosted events - and I'm hoping to host many, MANY events, once settled into the game.
Will be making a "branchler"-Elf as my main toon, as tall as can be and with the largest branchlers possible.
I very much hope they'll either be the same height or shorter than humans (as they are in most DnD universes). :]
I don´t know if elves are shorter than humans in most d&d worlds. In the PHB they are, but in FR (Older lorebooks) they have about the same height. In Dark Sun they are taller, in Pathfinder they are taller. In many other settings they are taller, like in Tolkien. In Iron Kingdoms they are taller, in World of Warcraft they are taller.
There is no right answer here. I think they will be about the same height.
Have never been a fan of fantasy wherein elves have EVERY advantage, over humans: taller, 2-3+ times the lifespan, more agile, more accurate, etc.
Am definitely of the mind that elves should at least be a tad shorter than humans.
originally, elves were shorter than humans x_X
dead or alive?
I accidently read that as bachelor-elf... I was like " what in the the fuck kind of events are they planning to host..." LOL
Thus the "common take" comment! :] In 5e (and 4e?) elves have been shorter, but you're absolutely correct that they were taller during 3-3.5e (and hence taller in PF1/2e
Either way, I think you might be right - and same height is all good to me! As long as I don't have to be (much) taller!
... In other words, as long as we dont get a GW2 norn situation (shortest possible norn is still much taller than the tallest human), I think I'll be fine! 😁
it's funny because it's true lol