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Mount / Caravan damage in PvP

GrimshawGrimshaw Member
edited January 15 in General Discussion
Will players take damage from moving mounts/caravans if struck in PvP?

Scenario: You are between nodes on your caravan when a scallywag leaps from the bushes onto the road in front of your caravan. "Your goods or your life" they scream. Do you...
a. Give him your goods, or
b. Drop the reins on those big horses and run the SOB down!

If not, why not? Getting hit by a horse at full gallop is going to leave a mark, let alone going under a loaded caravan wheel.


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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Ue5 doesn't have very good destruction mechanics or actual physics in world building.
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    Sorry @Song_Warden, I don't understand how destruction mechanics impact the ability for a player to take damage if they are struck by a moving object.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Well, the collision system does not have destruction so you wouldn't be mangled by being run over is what I referred to. You could be damage whilst being knocked aside but you should by rights be killed or seriously injured instead. Hence my reference about the lack of real physics.
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    The caravans arent exactly supposed to be fast. They will have ample weird, random abilities though. Like that pulse knockback we saw in the caravan stream.
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    Grimshaw wrote: »
    Will players take damage from moving mounts/caravans if struck in PvP?

    It sounds sensible, doesn't it. I guess it's one for this month's Q&A.
    This link may help you:
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    JhorenJhoren Member
    edited January 15
    Nodes in particular are going to be an enormous clusterfuck if mounts do damage to players on collision. Players killing others by accident or on purpose. People on low health alts jumping in front of other players to get killed, so the other player gets corrupted, and the friends of the low-health alt can jump and kill them for loot. Like that insurance scam we see on dashcams, where people deliberately jump out in front of cars to be hit.
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    Well, the collision system does not have destruction so you wouldn't be mangled by being run over is what I referred to. You could be damage whilst being knocked aside but you should by rights be killed or seriously injured instead. Hence my reference about the lack of real physics.

    you know you can program all those things, so it doesn't matter if unreal has them or not o-o
    also, all you need to care about is that the engine detects the collision. what happens after such detection is up to the programmer / designer, not to the engine.
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    VyrilVyril Member
    Grimshaw wrote: »
    Will players take damage from moving mounts/caravans if struck in PvP?

    Scenario: You are between nodes on your caravan when a scallywag leaps from the bushes onto the road in front of your caravan. "Your goods or your life" they scream. Do you...
    a. Give him your goods, or
    b. Drop the reins on those big horses and run the SOB down!

    If not, why not? Getting hit by a horse at full gallop is going to leave a mark, let alone going under a loaded caravan wheel.
    • Caravans have collision, so other players could jump on the caravan while it is being driven.[32]
    • Players or mounts trying to block caravans will be pushed out of the way.[4][34]
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