
Valentine's Day Giveaway!



  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    On the Hunt 4 U

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    Crafted With Care

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Orc you happy to see me?
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    Tank you for being my rock!

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    You're the Cleric healing my heart since day one!

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    Our love is like alpha testing—full of surprises!
  • Options
    WateruWateru Member
    edited February 2
    Candy Heart #1 -
    Topic: Cute
    - Like Stuffertons, you make my heart roar with happiness. Your love is truly un-bear-lievable

    Candy Heart #2
    - Topic: Heartwarming
    - your love is the sweet swirl that warms my heart just like sweet ice rolls that bring comfort & joy

    Candy Heart #3
    - Topic: Funny
    - Sweetheart You're the Love of my life, clicking all the right boxes just like Steven does in Ashes
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    Love U Verra Much

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    Freehold Of My ❤️

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Be My Vassal Node
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    My love seeks you like "Snipe" seeks nestharus

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    You must be playing Healer, cause you just mended my heart

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Your Creation has the best Ash I've ever seen
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    If you were a skill, you'd be my favorite ability on the hotbar.

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    Are you a rare drop? Because meeting someone as special as you feels like a once-in-a-lifetime loot!

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Is it just me, or did the game get a lot brighter when you logged in?
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    64 combinations but nothing is classier than us.

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    You are the reward and there is no risk.

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Find someone who looks at you like the AOC community looks at A2.
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    Amorial damage!

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    U R MY Thundering Shot!

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    I'd let you ride my Crusher's Carriage!
    Lv0 Ranger
  • Options
    DeputycarlDeputycarl Member
    edited February 2
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    I fell for you quicker than a mage can blink.

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    The love I have for you is like an ever burning hearth

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    You smell just like Merlin told me you would
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    Guildies Forever, like nodes in my heart!

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    You're a Caravan to my Raft in the River of Life

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Is your name Corruption? Because you've invaded my heart!
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum):
    Are You Not A GrandMaster At Animal Husbandry? If Not I could Always breed you a puppy.

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum):
    I Love You Like A Ranger Loves His Bow!

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum):
    Are You A Bard? Cause Damn I love The Way you Play My Flute!
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    You're the bespokest

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    My love for you is not predicated on anything from this world

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    Take them sandles off, let me see them toenars
  • Options
    HrithHrith Member
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    By ember or by flame, our saga is the same.

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    I'd respawn with you any time. <3

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    I'm always max level when you're around. ;)
  • Options
    BlipBlip Member

    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    "Guildmates forever, side by side, in Ashes we'll always reside!"

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    "Like Phoenix rising, our love in Ashes is never compromising!"

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    "Even RNG can't separate us in dungeons – more love drops than loot!"
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    You aggroed my Cupid.

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    Love is our Creation

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    Your heals work irl
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    If I could go back in time to be a younger me, I'd do everything the same way just to be with you again

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    I don't talk in front of you, because my love for you is beyond what words can convey; so I choose to stay silent

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Do you believe in love at first sight? If not, let me walk by you again
  • Options
    RoxiRoxi Member
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    "I want a teleport from you."
    #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    "Become my Mayor"
    #3 - Topic: Funny
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    No crit can penetrate the unyielding shield of my affection for you!

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    My ping may be 100 ms but our connection will never slow down!

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    Meeting you was the best day of my life, but it might change the day I get to play Ashes of Creation!
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Cute:
    "Verra's Choice: U & I"

    Candy Heart #2 - Heartwarming:
    "Together, We Rebuild Nodes"

    Candy Heart #3 - Funny:
    "Looted Heart, Still Yours"
  • Options

    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    The better MMO is where you have fun and friends to fun together!

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    Imagine a game where all our desires come true and we can live the way we want!

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Steve is not a good player to show the gameplay of the bad dolls but he seems like a good person xD
    Hey guys, I'm brazilian guy that like so much the world of MMORPG, if i have lucky drop key before the launch, remember my name because I'm the guy!! :D
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    Is that a Night Blade in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    I'm your shield, you're my sword, together let's slay this horde.

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    Can I have your stuff?
  • Options
    cmlcml Member
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    "You Are My Legendary Loot"

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    "Like Nodes We Grow Strong"

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    "Like A Mount, Your Love Speeds Up My Heartrate"

    Already have Alpha 2, hoping to win it for a friend :)<3
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    You're My Legendary Drop

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    Node-mates Forever

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Your Love: Better Loot Than RNG Could Ever Give!
  • Options
    SpecktreiSpecktrei Member
    edited February 2
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    The Discord's Favorite Bingo Master
  • Options
    Mermaid_PussMermaid_Puss Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 3
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    My favorite side quest.

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    Let's respawn together.

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    Mount me.
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute
    Respawn in My Arms

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming
    U R My Charm

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny
    U R the Cleric to My Tank.
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    Our love, like the nodes in Aoc, envolving and growing stronger together o:)

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    You're the extra life I never knew I needed <3

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Level Up our love. No cheat codes needed! :D
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    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    I gathered these rare flowers just for you!

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    I can brave the deepest dungeon or slay the strongest dragon, as long as you're by my side!

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    I'll resurrect you first!
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    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    "Adorable hugger, love bug."

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    "Forever warmth in your smile."

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    "Love you more than pizza!"
  • Options
    Candy Heart #1 - Topic: Cute (100 character maximum)
    LFM: U

    Candy Heart #2 - Topic: Heartwarming (100 character maximum)
    There’s no cooldown on our love

    Candy Heart #3 - Topic: Funny (100 character maximum)
    Summoner? I hardly know ‘er!
This discussion has been closed.