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Mayoral commemoration

Preface: I saw this question was asked back in 21, but doesn't seem like it ever got a direct answer.

Question: Will there be ways of commemorating mayor's of a node or leaders of a guild hall, such as statues? If so, how should they be obtained, and what gameplay function, if any, should they serve?

Ramble: the post from 2021 mentioned having different form of commemoration based on the node type, such as plaques and shrines, which I think is a cool idea. They could potentially be earned after a mayor has been elected for so many terms, or something else? Maybe you can pay respects at them and gain a temporary buffs that applies to both yourself and your mayor? What thoughts do you guys have on this?


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    Vandalism just became a skill.
    The girl watched the last of the creatures die and murmured a soft 'Thank you' to her rescuer.

    The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.

    'We have to move. It's not safe here.'
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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    A plaque should be fine for most. I guess special achievements, such as if a mayor has stayed in power continuously from village to metropolis could warrant a statue. Should the metro then be destroyed, a new mayor has the chance, if they have the chops.
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    Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited February 9
    I think there should be one spot only for one statue, and the statue should be replaced with the statue with the new mayor every time
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
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    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I think there should be one spot only for one statue, and the statue should be replaced with the statue with the new mayor every time

    What would only make Sense. Otherwise, the Statues would keep eating the Place away everytime a new Major is elected.

    Personally, for something like " Once in a Lifetime World Events " there should be Statues that may or may not stand somewhere forever. But it shouldn't be for something that can change frequently.
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    It would be cool if it was just like a building, basically, so the mayor can start building this statue, but then citizens of the node need to bring materials and help build that statue. That way, good mayors could get statues while bad ones wouldn't get statues, and the statue should be destroyed when the node gets destroyed, obviously.
    For the empyre !!!
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    AnimusRex wrote: »
    Vandalism just became a skill.
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I think there should be one spot only for one statue, and the statue should be replaced with the statue with the new mayor every time
    oOLu_BuOo wrote: »
    It would be cool if it was just like a building, basically, so the mayor can start building this statue, but then citizens of the node need to bring materials and help build that statue. That way, good mayors could get statues while bad ones wouldn't get statues, and the statue should be destroyed when the node gets destroyed, obviously.

    A combination of these three is what I think could work well.

    Have one spot in a node of a given size or larger (city, perhaps). Every month there is a week long node wide quest starting just after the election to provide materials and labor (on what ever form), to build this statue. Have another quest to stop the building of the statue.

    Thus, it is up to the players of the node itself to work out if they like the current mayor enough to get rid of whom ever the existing statue is of - or if they don't.

    Having quests mid-term to vandalize the statue/restore the statue in order to give one side or the other a head start the following term seems a prudent thing to do, to me.

    It's one of those things that is basically fluff and so I don't care about, but in this case is also not overly hard to implement and has no real negative impacts on anyone else.
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    Why not let your external validation come in the form of actual praise from your citizens, guildmates, and friends?
    Wouldn't the real thing be better than a statue?
    You bought the election(economic node), the patron guilds gamed the system(military node), you lied you azz off(scientific node), you are the biggest no-lifer(divine node), and for this you would automatically warrant a statue?
    I think you need to do more than show up as mayor.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Cadac wrote: »
    Why not let your external validation come in the form of actual praise from your citizens, guildmates, and friends?
    Wouldn't the real thing be better than a statue?
    Because there is no gameplay associated with it.
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    Could make it a PvP Objective. Blow up the Mayor's Statue to give the other side a 2% damage decrease during the Node Siege! :D:D:D
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