
Need a fact check

TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
Do you need to be a citizen of a node to own a freehold? also can your family members be citizens of another node while still using the families freehold?

Thank you
TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
Wednesday's at PM Cst



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    This is what we know about freeholds.

    Owning real estate =/= being a citizen and, supposedly, doesn't require you to be a citizen to acquire it.

    Freehold is freehold. Players can use it no matter their node relationships.

    As far as we know the family system has no direct ties to the node citizenship.
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    TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    ahh good thing I asked, looked on the Wiki and didn't see anything specific about needing citizenship for the freehold. That's even better than I hoped thank you for your reply!
    TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
    Wednesday's at PM Cst

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    ILLPeonU wrote: »
    ahh good thing I asked, looked on the Wiki and didn't see anything specific about needing citizenship for the freehold. That's even better than I hoped thank you for your reply!
    What I said is an inference from the things that are on the wiki. I might be wrong, but we wouldn't know either way until Steven explicitly states otherwise.

    This is why asking for detailed explanations of things on the forums is pointless because no one here would know more than what wiki shows. You will get a ton of opinions on what it should be though :)
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    TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    NiKr wrote: »
    ILLPeonU wrote: »
    ahh good thing I asked, looked on the Wiki and didn't see anything specific about needing citizenship for the freehold. That's even better than I hoped thank you for your reply!
    What I said is an inference from the things that are on the wiki. I might be wrong, but we wouldn't know either way until Steven explicitly states otherwise.

    This is why asking for detailed explanations of things on the forums is pointless because no one here would know more than what wiki shows. You will get a ton of opinions on what it should be though :)

    Oh I'm sure lol, Ya I take a hard look at the wiki but just in a effort to make sure I see things right I like to do my due diligence. I appreciate your help

    TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
    Wednesday's at PM Cst

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    unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    It isn't an opinion issue. Player housing must be gained first before citizenship can be claimed. Years ago it was the other way around, then they swapped it, and clarified the new stance.

    Player housing grants the ability to claim citizenship of a Village (stage 3) node or higher.[1][2][3][4][5] Gaining citizenship through player housing is not automatic. It must be claimed.[3]

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    It isn't an opinion issue.
    I was talking more about any other questions that are not addressed on the wiki :) Majority of threads on the forum are proof of "everyone has an opinion, but no one has the true info".
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