Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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They tried to steal Ashes' plot..?

MorgalfMorgalf Member, Alpha Two
edited March 2024 in General Discussion
Okay, this is going to be a bit of a strange post...
I am a big conspiracy theory guy. I like to see the areas in which things line up and create some insane theory. Do not get me started on Covid, Blackrock, or any of that kind of stuff. However, there is one conspiracy theory that I have to mention. There is another game that I won’t name because I do not want to upset the powers that be, but I will say that it is not taking place in an OLD World.
I played the unmentioned game in the Alpha. I saw it get slapped together and forced out the crap-shoot. However, I was eagerly watching Ashes of Creation long before this game. I know who came first… Has anyone else noticed the corruption mechanics, visual effects, adventuring into undiscovered lands, and various other concepts that seem right from Ashes. I do not want to mention specifics. There were some development directions that were similar to Ashes as well such as open world PvP risk vs. reward... However, they decided to shoot themselves in the foot and remove the mechanic during the Alpha.
I have had the sneaking suspicion for quite a while that this other game saw Ashes of Creation as a threat to the Lord of the Rings game they plan to launch. So, they did a trial MMORPG to attempt at working out the kinks while at the same time hurting Ashes... Think about it... The game in question was never supposed to be the winner for the dark corporate entity. It was always going to be the LOTR MMO as their main focus, but they wanted to learn a little about development and weaken the competition. Those bastards! This is so typical of the sneaky stuff corporations do to attack the good guys. Now, they have some data to help with their LOTR MMO, but they will never defeat Ashes.
Why? This is because Ashes of Creation is a development team with their heart and soul intact. They have dedicated constituent’s that see through corporate corruption and support the team. Intrepid listens to its fans and they truly come from a good place. Let me know what you think…
"The gods do not fear death. They greet death as an old friend. When your time comes to return to the ashes, move forward knowing death is merely one of many paths to a new adventure."


  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    There's a technique to this kind of joke/'troll' that I personally think you haven't mastered, so you don't end up getting either the tongue-in-cheek style nor the History Channel style.

    The ending also inverts it by making it seem moreso hyper-ironic. As an 'in-joke' style piece, it obviously would be impossible to judge how funny it is, but the language used doesn't seem to have much potential for such references.

    Looking forward to your next, though.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • MorgalfMorgalf Member, Alpha Two
    I was actually dead serious
    "The gods do not fear death. They greet death as an old friend. When your time comes to return to the ashes, move forward knowing death is merely one of many paths to a new adventure."
  • MorgalfMorgalf Member, Alpha Two
    No one else thinks the bit off Ashes a bit? Okay fine then hahaha
    "The gods do not fear death. They greet death as an old friend. When your time comes to return to the ashes, move forward knowing death is merely one of many paths to a new adventure."
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    Morgalf wrote: »
    Okay, this is going to be a bit of a strange post...
    I am a big conspiracy theory guy. I like to see the areas in which things line up and create some insane theory. Do not get me started on Covid, Blackrock, or any of that kind of stuff. However, there is one conspiracy theory that I have to mention. There is another game that I won’t name because I do not want to upset the powers that be, but I will say that it is not taking place in an OLD World.
    I played the unmentioned game in the Alpha. I saw it get slapped together and forced out the crap-shoot. However, I was eagerly watching Ashes of Creation long before this game. I know who came first… Has anyone else noticed the corruption mechanics, visual effects, adventuring into undiscovered lands, and various other concepts that seem right from Ashes. I do not want to mention specifics. There were some development directions that were similar to Ashes as well such as open world PvP risk vs. reward... However, they decided to shoot themselves in the foot and remove the mechanic during the Alpha.
    I have had the sneaking suspicion for quite a while that this other game saw Ashes of Creation as a threat to the Lord of the Rings game they plan to launch. So, they did a trial MMORPG to attempt at working out the kinks while at the same time hurting Ashes... Think about it... The game in question was never supposed to be the winner for the dark corporate entity. It was always going to be the LOTR MMO as their main focus, but they wanted to learn a little about development and weaken the competition. Those bastards! This is so typical of the sneaky stuff corporations do to attack the good guys. Now, they have some data to help with their LOTR MMO, but they will never defeat Ashes.
    Why? This is because Ashes of Creation is a development team with their heart and soul intact. They have dedicated constituent’s that see through corporate corruption and support the team. Intrepid listens to its fans and they truly come from a good place. Let me know what you think…

    open world pvp and the corruption system arent exclusive to ashes...

    anyways, new world could have been a great game, but the details ruined it D:
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member, Alpha Two
    No idea what game you're talking about - but it would help to know, for drawing comparisons and agreeing/disagreeing with your sentiment.

    Throne & Liberty looked like it was going to be AoC-esk, but then the game details are essentially another L2 or AA2 sequel; it's just another Korean money-grab with a new title with the same old mechanics.

    Am ultimately surprised that more studios have not yet attempted to imitate AoC. Perhaps the AAA studios are more looking at this project as a guinea pig for a wait-and-see approach, for new MMO ideas; We're all stoked for AoC, but apparently the AAA studios have little faith in the game-systems that AoC will feature. Their marketing numbers are against probably against trying new stuff.

  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    Morgalf wrote: »
    I was actually dead serious

    I didn't understand a single thing.

    And i agree with the magical World that solves all our Problems. " Banana ". :D
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    Throne & Liberty looked like it was going to be AoC-esk, but then the game details are essentially another L2 or AA2 sequel; it's just another Korean money-grab with a new title with the same old mechanics.

  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    So, you are talking about New World trying to copy Ashes a bit yes? Maybe, maybe not. Didn't work out for them anyway. And now Amazon games are making a LOTR MMO, and your assertion is that this is the MMO they really wanted to focus on all along, and that NW was just a warm up? A learning process? And that this is the one they really fear Ashes will be the competition against?
  • XeegXeeg Member, Alpha Two

    Of course they would put out a sleeper game just to imitate the legit game in development and try to muddy the waters all while planning the release of their REAL game. Once the REAL game comes out then all the players will be fed up with these "corruption" tactics and recognize that game utilizing these mechanics are doomed to fail. The only place for us to go is the new game they are releasing. Genius!
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