Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Class Archetypes

TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Would you be opposed to ONLY seeing the rest of the Class Archetypes and Nothing else until Alpha 2 is released, this would allow us to see all available Archetypes before Alpha 2, and still give plenty of mystery and Intrigued for the rest of the systems and world they're trying to keep under wraps .

Let's be honest, Alpha 2 will be HUGE, for the reason minus the 150,000 or so that are in, possibly millions will watch over time to see what the game looks like, as alpha 2 will be going on for awhile, they will want to keep people interested and feeding them new discoveries along the way, for testers and for viewers.

What say you?


  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Yes. I'd rather see as much as they're willing to show me, as soon as they're willing to show it.
    This link may help you:

  • DezmerizingDezmerizing Member, Alpha Two
    "only seeing the rest of the archetypes" as in no other streams period, or as in no more archetype updates (ranger update, cleric update, fighter update etc)?

    Personally, idm either way. I want to see whatever they feel comfortable showing and sharing with us!
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    "only seeing the rest of the archetypes" as in no other streams period, or as in no more archetype updates (ranger update, cleric update, fighter update etc)?

    Personally, idm either way. I want to see whatever they feel comfortable showing and sharing with us!

    Basically like the ranger update we most recently had, give us a chance to see them interact in some PvP and or questing in the environment they want to show.
  • PawketsPawkets Member, Alpha Two
    ILLPeonU wrote: »
    Would you be opposed to ONLY seeing the rest of the Class Archetypes and Nothing else until Alpha 2 is released, this would allow us to see all available Archetypes before Alpha 2, and still give plenty of mystery and Intrigued for the rest of the systems and world they're trying to keep under wraps .

    Let's be honest, Alpha 2 will be HUGE, for the reason minus the 150,000 or so that are in, possibly millions will watch over time to see what the game looks like, as alpha 2 will be going on for awhile, they will want to keep people interested and feeding them new discoveries along the way, for testers and for viewers.

    What say you?

    I maintain my thread I started this morning, I want to see a sweaty Steven world pvp stream, he could do it as a ganking rogue if he wants though.
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I mean there is a TON of stuff I want to see, but I feel the main archetypes are crucial for the base foundation. And it would help protect that juicy stuff they want to show off later.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think the remaining streams should focus on 'getting testers prepared' in terms of their expectations, for whoever isn't in the spot testing.

    Not 'hype', not 'set up to give suggestions for changes in the meantime', just 'prepared'. I'll avoid going into what that means exactly, but I do definitely support a stream 'schedule' that is mostly archetypes. Other things I would like to see more coverage on before A2 are all mostly connected to that:

    Augments, Passives, Skill Point gain, etc.

    Basically, if we assume that they don't have time to make a polished tutorial for Alpha-2 (idk, I personally think that polished tutorials take a long time AND require lots of feedback), then the remaining streams should focus on being like tutorials.

    Maybe another Nodes showcase with more 'this is how you can interact with lower level settlements to raise them' for those people like me who intend to strike out far from the gateways early on, and some additional info/confirmation on their exp systems would also be nice (so basically another PvE showcase, maybe a longer dungeon run, they can just do Da Bears again if they didn't entirely rework that area).
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • I think they should devide what they want to show us. They are showing us stuff that are ready to be shown.
  • AlmarielAlmariel Member, Alpha Two
    Classes showcase would be great for hype purposes. But we don't need that right now. We made our mind on taking part or not in A2 already. We will test archetypes top to bottom in a2 anyway.

    Tutorial-like showcases - there is too much to show in few hour-long videos and we will have to discover those ourselves. :)

    Intrepid probably have their plan on that matter already and they will show us what is ready to show. But I would prefer showcases about things/systems that are easy to speculate on and dont need to be expirienced so much. Like ranger showcase vs commisions one. There will be a lot of feedback about classes and combat based on how it feels playing it. In commisions matter we can think and discuss whole system easier in theory: If there are 8 quest every 30 min how do you think it will affect players and is it good or bad? We can create our opinion and give Intrepid some option to test in a2.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Almariel wrote: »
    Classes showcase would be great for hype purposes. But we don't need that right now.

    The guy's a streamer, he lives on hype. Probably hoping to fill out a completed section on the archetypes, but can't until they've released them.
    This link may help you:

  • AlmarielAlmariel Member, Alpha Two
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Almariel wrote: »
    Classes showcase would be great for hype purposes. But we don't need that right now.

    The guy's a streamer, he lives on hype. Probably hoping to fill out a completed section on the archetypes, but can't until they've released them.

    What kind of selfish aproach is this?! Is he some sort of Pyrian?!
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited March 2024
    Saabynator wrote: »
    I think they should devide what they want to show us. They are showing us stuff that are ready to be shown.

    Then you're assuming they only have enough stuff to show once a month, I would like to think 188 Devs have accomplished a bit more than that which would be a assumption also, but mine is right :) just kidding, thanks for replying.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    ILLPeonU wrote: »
    Saabynator wrote: »
    I think they should devide what they want to show us. They are showing us stuff that are ready to be shown.

    Then you're assuming they only have enough stuff to show once a month, I would like to think 188 Devs have accomplished a bit more than that which would be a assumption also, but mine is right :) just kidding, thanks for replying.

    Always pays to keep something back for if you hit a slow period. Then you still have plenty you can show.
    This link may help you:

  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ya, there was no motive to see the archetypes more than other stuff. The real premise was I know they have a lot of things they need to touch on but simply won’t have time before alpha 2. Would seem to me that a get to know the archetypes would be easier for them and also let the world know which ones are ready for A 2.
  • DezmerizingDezmerizing Member, Alpha Two
    Almariel wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Almariel wrote: »
    Classes showcase would be great for hype purposes. But we don't need that right now.

    The guy's a streamer, he lives on hype. Probably hoping to fill out a completed section on the archetypes, but can't until they've released them.

    What kind of selfish aproach is this?! Is he some sort of Pyrian?!

    *Hisses in py'rai* xd
  • MissionCreepMissionCreep Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    They are doing an Archetype preview about every 3 months right now. They have plenty of time to do them all before Beta. Why preview things for Alpha 2 that won't be in Alpha 2?

    Plus Alpha 2 has no NDA, so whatever is in there...we're going to see.

    They're not going to withhold and drop 3 Archetypes the week before launch (in 2026).

    Like you, I really want to see them all...but we will see them all. So I'm good.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    edited March 2024
    ILLPeonU wrote: »
    Would you be opposed to ONLY seeing the rest of the Class Archetypes and Nothing else until Alpha 2 is released, this would allow us to see all available Archetypes before Alpha 2, and still give plenty of mystery and Intrigued for the rest of the systems and world they're trying to keep under wraps .

    What say you?

    I am completely fifty-fifty in this Regard. I just know i would love to see all the Classes : and while i also would love to see new Footage of things like the Monster-Coin System, or Monster/Mob Types and Hordes,

    Presentations about how a Node grows from Stage 1 fully into a Metropolis - and just how huge, amazing and awesome a Node from Level Four to Level Six looks,

    how Players form whole Raids to attack Nodes, or engage into Piracy and/or Naval Battles on the Oceans,
    i am kinda aware that Sir Steven and his Team will most likely show us those Contents, that are seemingly the most stable programmed until now.

    While they are most likely hammering on every kind of Content at once, they know they should show Presentations of whatever looks best to show right now.

    One of the Reasons why "Summoner" seems to be so debated whetever it will be there at the Beginning of Alpha Two or not for Example, seems to be the Reason that it seems to be so hard to code and program to work properly, in the Games Engine and coding.

    But now we already saw " Tauren NPC Enemies " doing something that looks like successfully programmed Summoner Abilities, to attack Players which dare to face them. 😁

    I am also with what You said, ILLPeon.

    I also want to see Presentations of the other Biomes by now. Slowly, i think we have seen enough of the Kae'lar Riverlands and it is time to show us the Deserts, the snowy Biomes, the Jungles and Forests and so on. 😁
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    ...& the Underworld and Tulnars
  • I'll be honest, I really wouldn't mind more archetype showcases. Although, this probably has to do with the fact that the bard and the summoner have always been the two classes I've been most interested in, and they are coincidentally the two we know the least about. The rogue we can at least make a good guess about, but bard and summoner are probably the most "nonstandard" archetypes, and so are the hardest to predict where the team is going to go with them.
  • RocketFarmerRocketFarmer Member, Alpha Two
    Only 4-6 showcases until Alpha 2.

    Figure showcasing the archetypes for the trinity plus the bard. They’ve done Tank, Wizard, Ranger and Cleric in the past year (I think, time does fly). I think folks want to see Bard and Rogue before seeing a rehash of Wizard or Tank, and Fighter might come before Wizard or Tank. I think Summoner is last and might be done after alpha 2 launch.

    I think folks want to see the secondary archetypes. And how those affect the base Archetype. Probably combine this with a main archetype like Fighter.

    Sea battles/adventuring would be another thing folks would like to see, especially after the raft on the Caravan showcase. But that too would be post alpha 2 launch, and likely a late alpha 2 introduction.

    I get the feeling Tulnar and underdark are post alpha 2 launch, and they probably want to hold off on that for as long as they possibly can.

    A races showcase with their alternative buildings would be interesting.

    Perhaps a demonstration of a martial node “election” system combined with an updated PVP showcase?

    How about a monster coin showcase?

    Another environment showcase?

    So many options.
  • XeegXeeg Member, Alpha Two
    I don't think we are going to see archetypes fleshed out for a while, but you never know. Archetypes start at level 25 and the alpha 2 goes up to level 30. So it might be something that they work on during alpha 2. These systems will likely take a lot of feedback to dial in.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    How about a monster coin showcase?

    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The thing is , there is so much other stuff to show, I guess this was just a escape for them because I do feel like many of the Archetypes are ready if not close to ready, not classes just the base build.

    This way they could keep working behind the other stuff, and then have plenty of Alpha 2 footage to go over some of the mechanics they have been wanting to see.
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