Return of The Spyrate Games!!

edited March 19 in General Discussion
Can you please make the Ocean ships in Ashes as interactive as Sea Of Thieves ships,
so people can once again play the Spyrate games on the open seas of Ashes!

-Multi level decks, lights, maps.
-Lumber repairs, chest types, animals, vote brig.
-Row Boats, Grog, all that.

Thank you Ashes Team!

For anyone who didn't see the Spyrate Games in Sea Of Thieves, it was a timed event created by CDNThe3rd, each Pirate team has one spy on board working against them as the Pirate crew do pirate things! Really fun to watch live! Search Spyrate Games on Youtube for more details and video examples.

Here's an example of Spyrate Games!


  • Ace1234Ace1234 Member
    "Among us" during naval battles sounds awesome lol.
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    sea of Thieves did do a lot of things right, I have not played a game with better water physics. Really hoping to have that same feeling on Ashes Seas!
    TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
    Wednesday's at PM Cst
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Navel combat does need to shine. I have played it in some games and wished it just was not there. Ends up being a chore you need to do to get what you need to play the rest of the game.
  • Can you please make the Ocean ships in Ashes as interactive as Sea Of Thieves ships

    Ooofff. And just in these Days when such an amazing Roadmap (Preview) of 2024 Sea of Thieves was dropped ... ... ^.^

    Before such amazing Ocean Contents should ever be made - i would love for Sir Steven to finish the Rest of the Contents of this more than amazing Game first.

    Because Hands down - the Content on Land and in the Underdark(World) will be immense enough already, even without the Ocean Contents.

    And no Panic and Worries Please, i am confident they work on all Contents at once. ^.^;" which is already a kinda horrifying enough a thought. :D
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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