Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Might is right or disuasive corruption ?

I wonder if there should be some specific mechanics to escape a fight. If you come up against an aggressive player of a significantly higher level, you have absolutely no chance of winning.

On the other hand, corruption should not be too punitive so as not to kill PvP. Totally dissuasive corruption is pointless and would be detrimental to players who enjoy wild PvP.

On the other hand, a level 25 player who comes across an aggressive level 50 player has no chance and will drop his materials.

To strike the right balance, I'd be in favor of escape methods such as acceleration spells, sanctuary spells or any other method that increases the chances of escape.

Or is there already any specific methods other than running to escape a fight ? If it exists already, how can we escape a fight that we know in advance it's lost. I am not telling that we should be able to sucess 100%, but a balance should be find.

In many case just running away can be easily counter with stunning skills or entangle etc.


  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Level difference matters when it comes to corruption gain. A lvl50 killing a lvl25 should give that lvl50 so much corruption that he doesn't even think about attacking a lvl25 again.

    And as for power differences between the weakest lvl50 and strongest lvl50, imo the weakest player should still have enough time to simply run away while being attacked. Greens can't be CCed, so he'll be at full speed. The combat we've seen implies that even ranged characters can't just run at full speed and keep attacking with their strongest abilities.

    In other words, this simply comes down to proper corruption gain balancing, cause we already have the tools to avoid being swiftly killed by a relatively equally-powerful attacker. Though this still requires the ttk to be slightly longer than the stuff we saw in the caravan showcase. I hope the upcoming stream will show a bit more good pvp, though afaik we've had no promises for pvp, so who knows.
  • blatblat Member
    The inability to be CC'd is pretty strong. My main hope here is that there isn't too much fall-off in terms of spell effectiveness vs higher levels, so you can drop your own CC and do a runner.

    In WoW, not only can the higher level crush you in terms of raw power, but your spells/melee are very unlikely to land vs higher levels. Anything from about 4-5 levels above and you have a v small chance of landing anything. This is too much imo.

    For me, allowing us to land our spells regardless of level (in pvp at least), combined with the scaling corruption penalties would be enough.
  • Ethanh37Ethanh37 Member, Alpha Two
    I think if ashes are going to find an equilibrium with the corruption system its going to need to be encompassed into the node reputation system and respawning placements. corruption from IS stand point needs to be a system by witch PVP is acceptable. iv said in another post, that comes down to game theory. what are the out comes IS is looking to get from PVP and what out comes are they looking to to stop PVP.

    As we hear from Steven talking a lot about risk vs reward i am hoping he has really looked into the game theory behind corruption and how it in its self could be the catalyst to the friction in Verea.

    In my mind going corrupt in a node should lower your reputation in that node and would also effect your respawning point(spawning further to the edge of the nodes ZoI) if you die in a node with bad reputation as well as the normal effects of lower node rep. this would bolster node community's to cooperate have less PKing by its own community's. while it would not stop anyone from traveling into any area. i say this as with alot of the focus on PVE and PVP in the forums i have yet to see any content in the wiki that would garner players to build community's or cooperation in game. if this game is going totally free for all with no incentives it will be a zero sum game, might is right, always kill first, always PVP. and while that may sounds good to some, in the long run for a server and player health i can not see it being sustainable.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    As poster above me says, I think it should go however the rest of the game's design requires.

    If their goals are community, do that, if their goals are 'conflict and change', do that.

    In terms of which I'd prefer personally, I don't think I actually even have a preference? It's like making two different games. I just want them to commit to making one or the other, but since Nodes are supposedly integral, I feel that the game might be better with more focus on semi-realistic node cooperation incentives.

    But even then, the original question isn't really binary, it has more to do with respawn locations and node reputation than 'which way the corruption works'.

    Oh, but they need to add Node Reputation drops to Caravan attacks, if they're choosing 'Node Cooperation' + 'Might is Right' at the same time.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • blatblat Member
    I wonder if corruption pens will be affected by node citizenship, IE: more corrupted for attacking your own people.
    Would tie-in nicely to both 'community' and 'conflict and change'.
  • Ethanh37Ethanh37 Member, Alpha Two
    I don't want two different games I want one, i want it to be both, were the incentives are to build community's and cooperation because that is the catalyst to friction. This is my node you cant take it down, my node needs a economic node near by lets go take there node and rebuild it... we need this commodity lets alliance with this node and caravan it over.. incentives, cooperation, conflict, power. i expect ashes to have spent the last 7 years thinking and working this wheel out, and being nearly ready to start showing it off. if I'm wrong then its just another normal MMO. and all the talk of PVE v PVP and other theory's wont matter to much as you have played it all before...
  • blat wrote: »
    I wonder if corruption pens will be affected by node citizenship, IE: more corrupted for attacking your own people.
    Would tie-in nicely to both 'community' and 'conflict and change'.

    Im also interested about that. Also would be nice if some corrupted nodes, kind of "Sin cities", would exist where you get less corruption when killing someone.
  • koltovincekoltovince Member, Settler, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two
    I hope Alpha 2 will bring about enough data and player interaction for the developers to take a hard look at what corruption and node cooperation will evolve to at live. I hope the game takes more interest into placing incentives via systems to not be total goblins because while corruption is punishing, there is no reward for being good.

    The node reputation system is a nice start and it already has some bedrock in the game. If I remember correctly guards are already hostile to corrupted players, maybe expand upon that were reputation takes hold in them attacking you. There is a defender/attacker system they mentioned for caravans also known as the Highwayman system. They could link this to a node reputation system and expand incentives to help build a node community via defending it. Just some ideas.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Let yourself die and let the other dude go red. Yell out the location and name of the red and let him die to others and lose his gear.
  • koltovincekoltovince Member, Settler, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two
    tautau wrote: »
    Let yourself die and let the other dude go red. Yell out the location and name of the red and let him die to others and lose his gear.

    If your in a military node, just tell the bounty hunters in area chat there is a red and watch the situation clean itself up.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    tautau wrote: »
    Let yourself die and let the other dude go red. Yell out the location and name of the red and let him die to others and lose his gear.

    These Others must be able to "get him", though ... ... ;) ... ...

    Which brings me back to a certain Question -> do We all by the way got new Information recently or so how the Bountyhunter-System is coming along ? ;)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • koltovincekoltovince Member, Settler, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two
    Aszkalon wrote: »
    These Others must be able to "get him", though ... ... ;) ... ...

    Which brings me back to a certain Question -> do We all by the way got new Information recently or so how the Bountyhunter-System is coming along ? ;)

    I am just going off what the wiki holds for the bounty hunter system. Although I am wondering if they would be willing to expand it, so far I go by base information.
  • What could be done in large level gap cases, if corruption was somehow not enough, could simply be to not apply the death penalty to the lower level. Past a certain level difference, if you're killed green, you don't gain an XP dept and you don't drop anything (PvP kill only, obviously). The high level killer still get the corruption, but no loot. If the goal was to remove the lowbie from an area, and you were willing to gain the corruption for that, they are now gone.

    I'm not pushing for this to be implemented, just a hypothetical "solution". It comes with some difficulties too... How are groups handled? How to prevent this from being exploit as a safe next spawn point teleport? Etc.
    Be bold. Be brave. Roll a Tulnar !
  • OtrOtr Member, Alpha Two
    Myosotys wrote: »
    To strike the right balance, I'd be in favor of escape methods such as acceleration spells, sanctuary spells or any other method that increases the chances of escape.
    Those might have a cool down time and once used then the chance of escape is again lower.
    Managing such skills could be interesting and gaining them should lock out progression on something else.
    Light armor sets could give increased mobility.
    Some mounts could also be faster.
  • Percimes wrote: »
    What could be done in large level gap cases, if corruption was somehow not enough, could simply be to not apply the death penalty to the lower level.

    I think corruption will be enough. I worry about the fact corruption is more than enough and kills the wild PvP. That's why I would prefer a corruption a bit less punitive and more escape mechanics.
    Otr wrote: »
    Light armor sets could give increased mobility.

    I think it will do. As it is in most games.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    Otr wrote: »
    Some mounts could also be faster.

    Idea ... ... ... ;)

    When You become corrupted -> your Mount is 10% slower than usual. And depending on how bad your Corruption Level is -> your Mount could get slower to a full deceleration of 40% or maybe even 50%.

    In other Words,
    making it rather easy or at least easier for Bountyhunters or other Players, to hunt and kill You, when You murdered a few People who were completely helpless against You. >:)

    Ahhh, the sadistic Pleasures of hunting Playerkillers. :D . >:)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
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