Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

[NA] Knights of the Blood Oath | Organized PVX | PST | Competitive/Social | New Guild

DaBarrDaBarr Member
edited May 4 in NA Guild Recruitment

If your Interested in join a great guild focused on AoC then you've come to the right place. We have listed what we are looking for and some background of us and how we operate below!

As a start we would like to say that half of us as of now are in the Military and we get our goals and our insights and strategies from our careers in the miltary. Our guild history are very new and we want to cement ourselves in AoC and become strong together but we also want to give back to our members and friends as well. We have extensive knowledge on video games and our strategy ranges from our real life jobs in the military and our strategy from video games that do go hand in hand. We want to build a fun community and guild together in Ashes and we would love to see you join us!
Here are some incentives that we want to give for the first 50 people that choose to join our ranks!
1. You will get 50 gold when the game launches.
2. You also get a role of your choice though our ranking system but be fast so you can choose the role you want!
3. Once the game launches if there is an item or gear or shop that you want in the town we will go though hell to get you that item or shop.
We want to give back to our fellow Knights so we can all become better together!



Our structure of based off of our past and present. As we said before most of us, have military background. We found that the structure that runs our great military does have its perks and great functionality. No we won't be treating it as the military so don't worry on that. What we mean by that is we will have a hierarchy of people we think would be great to lead others and help each other build upon and use there knowledge and skill to help the people they are in charge of. Easy run down example. 1 Lord would be in charge of 3-4 Knights, each one of those Knights would be in charge of 4-5 people. How you go up in ranks is based solely on how efficient and effective and helpful you are to other guild members. Yes youcan start from very bottom of the pole and rise through the ranks and be in the top. We seen this happen many times and it's very rewarding to yourself and to see how much you have progressed throughout the game.

You may ask what are we looking for in recruits. Well we have specific positions that we would like to see filled and we have the normal recruiting where you are just wanting to join the guild and you are where you end up!
Here are some of the positions we would like to fill up!
Master of War
3-4 Experienced MMORPG leadership positions * they will become the first Leadership positions*
The Grand Admiral *For sea combat, expeditions and trading*
2 Advising positions
Master of Secrets
Master of Coin
If you would like to apply for any of these positions when you join us then feel free to message me or put in the comments or discord!
If you are looking to just simply join then look no further! We are looking for people with all ranges of talent from brand new to experienced players, we want to build up from the ground and make a guild we are all proud of! Simply message let us know rather it be on here or on our discord listed below!

Come back with your shield, or on it.


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    DaBarrDaBarr Member
    edited April 3

    A2 Goals
    *Build and recruit more personnel to our ranks
    *Build upon and see our deficiencys with our structure and how we operate
    * Train and improve the personnel we have and help them learn there job titles as well
    * explore the land and have fun with guild mates
    * find a good node placement within the bounds that we have for potential node choice for when game fully releases

    * Make more improvements on the ranking structure and add forgers and other apprenticeships for people to dedicate them selfs to if they wish
    * Planned guild meetings and taskings within the guild to hear what others want
    * Possibly making a YouTube and or twitch account for the guild
    * planned tournaments and prizes

    These are just the many ways we plan on making our guild fun and interesting. We also would love to hear what everyone has to say to make us better in the long run as well!
    Come back with your shield, or on it.
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    DaBarrDaBarr Member
    edited May 2
    Ther are a lot of guilds out there but the reason you should join us is simple. We want our guild to prosper and thrive though it's members. We want to give back to our people and be better for it. Like in the military you are only as strong as your weakest link. If you want your voice heard and have a say then look no further than us!
    Come back with your shield, or on it.
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    DaBarrDaBarr Member
    edited April 18
    If the discord link doesn't work please let me know! :)
    Come back with your shield, or on it.
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    DaBarrDaBarr Member
    edited April 23
    For incentive program we have 42 more slots open! So be sure to hurry and join us!
    Come back with your shield, or on it.
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    DaBarrDaBarr Member
    Place holder for future info!
    Come back with your shield, or on it.
  • Options
    DaBarrDaBarr Member
    Place holder for future info!
    Come back with your shield, or on it.
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