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Summoner Talent tree

Hello all

After the showcase of the Minotaurus with the summoned birds I kept on thinking about skills and talents for the summoner class. So I decided to commit it to Pixels

I send you the pfd file of my summoner class tree.

I has 3 'specs'
- Red - DPS
- Blue - Support
- Green - Heal

The main idea is to make a support class and to mix Red - BLue or Green -BLue together. However if you want you can go full into 1 colour.

It has 3 spellbooks
Summons: You have a primary summon, that is with you all the time (and can die). You can also summon temporary creatures tho give effects. In the tree there are also different skills/spells for your primary summon

The Red and Green tree has a 'mini' game in itself with buffs/procs. There is also a 'meta' game with the rituals.

I took some liberties with the skillpoints etc. Work was done in Miro Board and images were made using UI (mostly wombo).

Please don't kill me in comments, thanks.
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