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Map Ping Mechanic

Iirc Intrepid decided to move away from the cartography part of the game, so we probably won't get player-made maps, which is why I'd like to ask for a Ping mechanic, so that party/guild/raid leaders could point people to where they want them to go (ideally with availability of several pings at a time, and numbered ones as well).

I mostly want this mechanic so that I could hold mount races and create a "track" by pinging the map in certain locations. In a perfect world players would be able to create a map that's superimposed over our standard map, where we'd have some additional info, but I understand that this would be way harder to implement and could be an expansion thing.

But if we'll have any type of quest pings on our map - we should definitely have that feature on the player side as well imo. And as I pointed out above, it could be used in multiple ways that are really beneficial not only for specific situations (like sieges), but also for player-driven content that will give the game more longevity.

p.s. 4th reference here does imply that this is something at least already considered, but I'd definitely like if it was not just a guild thing and not just a minimap thing


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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yes. Being able to draw penises on the map is almost a constitutional right in MMORPGs, IMO.
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    It's something that has been missing from some of the games I've played, and I've noticed it. Would be good to have.
    Also, settings for who can/can't draw/ping/etc on the map.
    This link may help you:

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    daveywavey wrote: »
    Also, settings for who can/can't draw/ping/etc on the map.
    Oh, 100%, it should be either "only the leader" or, if we're talking guild-based pings - "only those with the rights to do it".
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    NiKr wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Also, settings for who can/can't draw/ping/etc on the map.
    Oh, 100%, it should be either "only the leader" or, if we're talking guild-based pings - "only those with the rights to do it".

    I dunno, if you trust your group, it can be beneficial to let them do it too.
    This link may help you:

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    daveywavey wrote: »
    I dunno, if you trust your group, it can be beneficial to let them do it too.
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    TetterianTetterian Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Something I have always loved in MMORPGs is having a POI marker on the world map to share with my group/raid/guild/chat. The old method of sharing coordinates is just outdated I think.
    The way I want it to work is: right click on the world map and a pin is placed. If you shift + left click it an option appears where you can share the POI in a specific chat you choose.
    What is not to happen is a marker around the character that shows the way and distance to the POI. Not even on minimap it should appear. This is just babysitting and stupid.

    Visual markers on the ground are a necessity too. Is it for raiding a boss, castle sieges, or mount runs it is a feature that creates immersion for the player. I have experience of this in WoW which I think does a good job.
    This goes for marking targets as well. Either have the specific markers key bound or make an easy marking tool like many MOBAs have.

    Pinging the minimap should be a feature too with the player's name. Could make a short animation and sound to alert the player.
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    tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I prefer to not have high tech map options. I would rather have to say "Take the west road from Wistead and turn right and at the second ford over the creek. Go uphill to the split tree near the two headed wolves and we will meet there."

    I realize my view of 'arcane realism' in a computer game is in the minority, and I will be happy with whatever AoC ends up doing, but just wanted to opine.
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    tautau wrote: »
    I prefer to not have high tech map options. I would rather have to say "Take the west road from Wistead and turn right and at the second ford over the creek. Go uphill to the split tree near the two headed wolves and we will meet there."

    well, not having it in the game doesn't mean it wont happen, I know 2 groups that are already working on third party interactive maps that most players will have opened on their second monitor with all the tech you can think off..
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    tautau wrote: »
    I realize my view of 'arcane realism' in a computer game is in the minority, and I will be happy with whatever AoC ends up doing, but just wanted to opine.
    I totally agree with that view for anything npc/quest-related, but I think that gameplaywise player stuff should be "magical" enough to have this feature.

    This is also why I'd prefer if we could have player-made maps that we can use to superimpose on top of our own. This way the fantasy is kept, cause this map would be made before time and wouldn't seem as unrealistic. GLs could just put numbered points on the siege map and then simply reference them when commanding people.
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    edited April 2
    Liniker wrote: »
    well, not having it in the game doesn't mean it wont happen, I know 2 groups that are already working on third party interactive maps that most players will have opened on their second monitor with all the tech you can think off..
    This was one of the reasons why I made this thread. I'm sure that even if Intrepid do implement a great system, people will still make their own 3rd party stuff, but I'd definitely prefer if we had this in-game too.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I don't know why we can't have the maps like Guild Wars 2 with the Commanders/Mayors/Kings visible at all times on the map to the relevant people.
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    NiKr wrote: »
    This was one of the reasons why I made this thread. I'm that even if Intrepid do implement a great system, people will still make their own 3rd party stuff, but I'd definitely prefer if we had this in-game too.

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    Songcaller wrote: »
    I don't know why we can't have the maps like Guild Wars 2 with the Commanders/Mayors/Kings visible at all times on the map to the relevant people.
    I dunno how maps work in GW2, but I'd imagine we'll see raid members on the map and leaders will potentially have a different color (or ideally be controllable by players).

    Is there something special/more to them in GW2 that relates to the pingability of the map? Obviously following someone into the fight would be great, but, from my experience, best siege leaders just oversee the battlefield and give orders. So seeing that your leader sits in the back of the field would in no way help you know where to go.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It does help you know where to go but you'd have to follow your other officers into the fray. Because the lord/mayor should be on a flying mount and surveying the battlefield.
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    Songcaller wrote: »
    It does help you know where to go but you'd have to follow your other officers into the fray. Because the lord/mayor should be on a flying mount and surveying the battlefield.
    And what if that officer dies too quickly, but the fight continues and the direction that the GL wants to take changes? How would you then control upwards of several hundred people w/o everyone getting lost?

    I know that I'm most likely overcomplicating this particular situation, but still. Just seeing leaders would not be enough imo.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I figured that the team would be on voice communication...the leaders shouldn't die in real life and the strategies will be prestated. So long as everyone knows the drill then there shouldn't be issues. You just listen to the lord/mayor and the other officers.
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    Songcaller wrote: »
    I figured that the team would be on voice communication...the leaders shouldn't die in real life and the strategies will be prestated. So long as everyone knows the drill then there shouldn't be issues.
    Again though, situations can change drastically during a siege. And a dead officer won't be able to magically follow the crowd deeper into the location and see where exactly they need to go, in order to command them in voice
    Songcaller wrote: »
    You just listen to the lord/mayor and the other officers.
    Node sieges will be even worse than castle stuff, cause I'm more than sure that a lot of people won't be in the same discord (especially considering that anyone can register for defense/attack), so having a ping system would help them drastically.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I don't understand how the same officers would put pings all over the place compared to verbal feedback and command. There will always be a command structure in an organised siege. Granted, a node siege might not have the same structure. Even the lord on a flying mount could be killed. I think the sieges are pretty straight forward overall. We never needed pings in the tests.
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    edited April 2
    Songcaller wrote: »
    I don't understand how the same officers would put pings all over the place compared to verbal feedback and command. There will always be a command structure in an organised siege. Granted, a node siege might not have the same structure. Even the lord on a flying mount could be killed. I think the sieges are pretty straight forward overall. We never needed pings in the tests.
    Weren't A1 sieges only in one castle and with mostly a random collection of people on both sides? So tactics from both sides weren't as intricate as they could be.

    What I'm talking about in the ideal design is stuff like the numbered locations in this video. And you can hear leaders calling out those points as movement directions.
    I guess this could be a default thing on our map during sieges, but then I'll just go back to the OP and say that I want a way to have an in-game way to create a race "track".
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    yeah that example was easier to understand. I do agree with your proposition. I think it would be a grand addition to the tactical side of the game.
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    XeegXeeg Member
    NiKr wrote: »
    Liniker wrote: »
    well, not having it in the game doesn't mean it wont happen, I know 2 groups that are already working on third party interactive maps that most players will have opened on their second monitor with all the tech you can think off..
    This was one of the reasons why I made this thread. I'm sure that even if Intrepid do implement a great system, people will still make their own 3rd party stuff, but I'd definitely prefer if we had this in-game too.

    So basically, an addon...

    Honestly, if the devs are trying to build the "next generation MMO" they should just have all the best stuff from the best addons. Map pings, map notes, saved note transfer to other characters, etc.

    Like when I think "next generation MMO" I'm not just thinking about the combat and game systems, but also the UI. AOC should come out best in class with regards to these types of details, especially if they want to go hard on addons. They have a responsibility to do it better (or provide the versatility to the user) than addons do.
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    AidanKDAidanKD Member
    This is an easy win. Something people will take for granted but wish they had if it's missing.

    At the very least, a temporary or permanent ping option. With different placeholder markers which might represent different tactical objectives. Just have a bunch of different icon options kind of like how WoW allowed you to have party markers i.e. skull, cross circle. But add other things which could represent different things. A fish, a little farm, a sword, whatever.

    Agree with ways to moderate it. Maybe lock it to leader by default, but allow you to grant access to members/whole group etc.

    Drawing is also fine, but for me the markers will be what I would use.
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    So Intrepid couldnt put together an interesting cartography system, its not surprise since no company did this ever. The cartography system should just be an overlay over the actual world map, so people would trade the overlay with all the cartographers notes and drawings on it. So sad, I was born in the wrong place in the world and I'm not a dev there lol

    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
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    Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited April 3
    Map pings are convenient, but they're also extremely advanced and feel almost like cheating.

    It would be more engaing using war horns, church bells, or gongs, or even sending messages via carrier pigeons. If you're too far from the sound source, such as horns, bells, gongs, drums, or fireworks, you wouldn't receive any map ping at all. For longer distances, pings could be sent by birds or other creatures, but if these creatures are attacked and killed, your people wouldn't receive any pings either, long pings could be done from node to node and such pings would take a few minutes to go through.

    It's a shame cartography won't come to fruition, if it was merely a matter of trading notes on the world map from player to player or from guild to guildies or within a party, it would be satisfying and enjoyable. It would be amazing in fact, sorry for saying that.
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
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    Let me read my own ideas, they are so good <3
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
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    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    So Intrepid couldnt put together an interesting cartography system, its not surprise since no company did this ever. The cartography system should just be an overlay over the actual world map, so people would trade the overlay with all the cartographers notes and drawings on it. So sad, I was born in the wrong place in the world and I'm not a dev there lol
    Pretty much exactly the idea I had in mind :)
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