Character names

this is a small one but one i think everyone can get behind ESPECIALLY if names work in the fashion that your character name is the name everyone sees instead of your account name but even if it does have that seperation (to be honest i like going by character names more and think thats how it SHOULD be with this change in mind) my idea is to have it so if you have already names a character a specific name like for example, max or duke or lord farquad or something, you can name ALL of your toons that name instead of ONLY THAT character being named lord farquad especially since it helps the alpha key buyers reward of getting to have a specific name mean more than just a 1 time thing where if you wanna name a different character that, your shit outta luck.


  • PyrololPyrolol Member
    Well the premium package gave us a name saving option, so I assume that we can pick the name instead of the accounts name
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Here is some information about character names that might be useful:
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    Kurobei wrote: »
    this is a small one but one i think everyone can get behind ESPECIALLY if names work in the fashion that your character name is the name everyone sees instead of your account name but even if it does have that seperation (to be honest i like going by character names more and think thats how it SHOULD be with this change in mind) my idea is to have it so if you have already names a character a specific name like for example, max or duke or lord farquad or something, you can name ALL of your toons that name instead of ONLY THAT character being named lord farquad especially since it helps the alpha key buyers reward of getting to have a specific name mean more than just a 1 time thing where if you wanna name a different character that, your shit outta luck.

    they want espionage to be a thing, so you would need different names for different chars in the same account >:
  • AnimikiiAnimikii Member
    Depraved wrote: »
    Kurobei wrote: »
    this is a small one but one i think everyone can get behind ESPECIALLY if names work in the fashion that your character name is the name everyone sees instead of your account name but even if it does have that seperation (to be honest i like going by character names more and think thats how it SHOULD be with this change in mind) my idea is to have it so if you have already names a character a specific name like for example, max or duke or lord farquad or something, you can name ALL of your toons that name instead of ONLY THAT character being named lord farquad especially since it helps the alpha key buyers reward of getting to have a specific name mean more than just a 1 time thing where if you wanna name a different character that, your shit outta luck.

    they want espionage to be a thing, so you would need different names for different chars in the same account >:

    i guess thats fair. that way even if you tried to hide your current character build, enemies can always look at your character name and if they did good enough reconissance, they know what character you are on UNLESS you pulled out hopefully the ingame gold to change your name with it of course being something that should be A BIG cost nevermind the risk of losing your characters name all together to someone else meaning it for many would only be a last resort to pull the wool over your enemies eyes.
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    Kurobei wrote: »
    Depraved wrote: »
    Kurobei wrote: »
    this is a small one but one i think everyone can get behind ESPECIALLY if names work in the fashion that your character name is the name everyone sees instead of your account name but even if it does have that seperation (to be honest i like going by character names more and think thats how it SHOULD be with this change in mind) my idea is to have it so if you have already names a character a specific name like for example, max or duke or lord farquad or something, you can name ALL of your toons that name instead of ONLY THAT character being named lord farquad especially since it helps the alpha key buyers reward of getting to have a specific name mean more than just a 1 time thing where if you wanna name a different character that, your shit outta luck.

    they want espionage to be a thing, so you would need different names for different chars in the same account >:

    i guess thats fair. that way even if you tried to hide your current character build, enemies can always look at your character name and if they did good enough reconissance, they know what character you are on UNLESS you pulled out hopefully the ingame gold to change your name with it of course being something that should be A BIG cost nevermind the risk of losing your characters name all together to someone else meaning it for many would only be a last resort to pull the wool over your enemies eyes.

    I meant guild join a guild with an alt to spy on them xD
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