Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

EU/UK | Wildfire | Competitive & Casual | PvX | Active | Relaxed | Social | BRAND NEW GUILD |

GreenFlameGreenFlame Member
edited June 21 in EU Guild Recruitment
Wildfire Discord :


Wildfire is a EU/UK English speaking PvX Guild that is focused foremost on having fun, as most mmo players these days we are in our 30's, 40's or 50's and have spent years being unsatisfied in other mmo's so are looking for our forever mmo in ashes. In Wildfire we want to create a laidback community where people can game and have a laugh with the kinda chat you would be having down the pub with mates. Wildfire is a brand-new guild so if you joined you would be getting in on the ground level and watching the guild grow from creation and in so being a part of its rise. Another benefit of joining a newly established guild is you have plenty of time to really get to know fellow guildies as we grow rather than being drowned out in a larger preestablished guild. Come and be one of the first to join this brand-new guild as there is lots of potential for promotions!


The goal of Wildfire is to create a community full of like-minded people with banter flowing while having fun doing PvX in game. As a mixture of Competitive and Casual players we are realistic on what we aim to achieve while having real life commitments we want to shoot for having some sort of power in the server/node we reside in and help each other in guild to progress through the game aiming to do as much as the game has to offer us. We want your friend group to be the guild rather than a mega guild where you have a friend group within a guild. We want to create a community where everyone knows everyone rather than random names you see log on and off.


• Age 21+ only.
• Discord for communication.
• Have a relaxed jokey approach to gaming.

Come Say Hi and have a chat at our Discord :
alternatively DM @Skadlam
GM of Wildfire Guild
Skadlam - Ren'Kai Cleric
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