Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Any updates on Artisenship since the livestream 6 months ago?
Has there been any further info about Artisenship since the livestream 6 months ago? Maybe something was said in Q&A's or on another social media platform besides Youtube/Twitch?
I'm really looking forward to becoming a crafter in Ashes, however, the state it was in that livestream has me kinda worried.
Gathering seems great to me, you go around the world, explore, find new materials and gather them without depleting the whole node. You mine, cut wood, or gather herbs. It feels like you do exactly what the skill says, gather. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as you level up you can gather rarer materials and become better at finding them. I believe you can eventually become a master gatherer (not in the gathering skills but in the one you choose, master woodcutter or master miner, etc).
The processing and crafting professions, however, do not seem to have a mechanic to them. You first gather the materials (through your own effort or more likely by just buying them), you find a suitable station, and you click on 'process', or 'craft'. You wait for however long it takes to process the material or to craft the item and you are done. There is nothing that makes me feel like I'm processing the materials or crafting the items. Even the animations in the livestream showed NPC's at the workstation doing the actual work.
Processing and crafting seem more like gathering skills than actual processing or crafting skills.
The live stream was half a year ago, which I assume means that they have gotten feedback on what they showed and tried to work with that feedback. Does anyone know the results of the feedback?
Thank you for reading my concerns and for anyone willing to answer me or discuss this topic with me
I'm really looking forward to becoming a crafter in Ashes, however, the state it was in that livestream has me kinda worried.
Gathering seems great to me, you go around the world, explore, find new materials and gather them without depleting the whole node. You mine, cut wood, or gather herbs. It feels like you do exactly what the skill says, gather. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as you level up you can gather rarer materials and become better at finding them. I believe you can eventually become a master gatherer (not in the gathering skills but in the one you choose, master woodcutter or master miner, etc).
The processing and crafting professions, however, do not seem to have a mechanic to them. You first gather the materials (through your own effort or more likely by just buying them), you find a suitable station, and you click on 'process', or 'craft'. You wait for however long it takes to process the material or to craft the item and you are done. There is nothing that makes me feel like I'm processing the materials or crafting the items. Even the animations in the livestream showed NPC's at the workstation doing the actual work.
Processing and crafting seem more like gathering skills than actual processing or crafting skills.
The live stream was half a year ago, which I assume means that they have gotten feedback on what they showed and tried to work with that feedback. Does anyone know the results of the feedback?
Thank you for reading my concerns and for anyone willing to answer me or discuss this topic with me
In terms of the 'implemented results', most of us don't have any new information at all.
I believe you were part of that official feedback post so you've read all that feedback already. We also haven't had many forum discussions about it since then.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."