Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Splinter Topic: Cleric Flash Cleanse

A split from here since I don't want to bog that thread down in discussions of what Clerics should/shouldn't do or need to focus on.
I have a strong bias toward like the style of games where status effects are meaningful and healers are meant to remove them.
I believe that any Cleanse skill in AOC for Clerics will be almost completely mandatory, so know that I'm biased away from 'bothering to make this a tradeoff' other than from its base design.
Right now Clerics have 'Flash Heal' which can be cast while casting something else. Ashes is a relatively fast game with big stuff happening and big groups fighting. I need a single target Flash cleanse for CC. It can be limited by forcing it to target the person I'm already casting a heal on. I would also like it to maybe cost Conviction instead of Mana.
If Ashes slows down, as a game, I wouldn't mind if the Cleanse was not universal and was somehow tied to 'what spell you were casting when you did it'.
The balance that I see here is:
1. If you must be casting a different heal to use this, then you end up 'wasting' mana when someone CCs a full health target, so at least, even if you 'spam' this, you burn through your mana.
2. If it has a Conviction cost, maybe the same thing, you can't just 'free cleanse stuff if your opponent gets the jump on you'.
3. It limits how often you can do it without also preventing a Cleric from just countering repeated CC.
4. If it can only ever be single target and targeted to someone you are currently throwing a heal/HoT at (or at best, Consecrating Wave can be used for any AoE) then uncoordinated groups of Clerics won't be able to just do stuff, whereas coordinated healing works better.
5. Since it requires healing to be done, you can't do it on yourself without starting a cast on yourself, but depending on how Ashes counts 'completion of cast' (i.e. if you get CCed for any length of time during the cast does it fail?) you could start to heal yourself, watch for CC, and hit the Flash Cleanse to power through and break the CC to finish the cast.
Thanks for reading.
I have a strong bias toward like the style of games where status effects are meaningful and healers are meant to remove them.
I believe that any Cleanse skill in AOC for Clerics will be almost completely mandatory, so know that I'm biased away from 'bothering to make this a tradeoff' other than from its base design.
Right now Clerics have 'Flash Heal' which can be cast while casting something else. Ashes is a relatively fast game with big stuff happening and big groups fighting. I need a single target Flash cleanse for CC. It can be limited by forcing it to target the person I'm already casting a heal on. I would also like it to maybe cost Conviction instead of Mana.
If Ashes slows down, as a game, I wouldn't mind if the Cleanse was not universal and was somehow tied to 'what spell you were casting when you did it'.
The balance that I see here is:
1. If you must be casting a different heal to use this, then you end up 'wasting' mana when someone CCs a full health target, so at least, even if you 'spam' this, you burn through your mana.
2. If it has a Conviction cost, maybe the same thing, you can't just 'free cleanse stuff if your opponent gets the jump on you'.
3. It limits how often you can do it without also preventing a Cleric from just countering repeated CC.
4. If it can only ever be single target and targeted to someone you are currently throwing a heal/HoT at (or at best, Consecrating Wave can be used for any AoE) then uncoordinated groups of Clerics won't be able to just do stuff, whereas coordinated healing works better.
5. Since it requires healing to be done, you can't do it on yourself without starting a cast on yourself, but depending on how Ashes counts 'completion of cast' (i.e. if you get CCed for any length of time during the cast does it fail?) you could start to heal yourself, watch for CC, and hit the Flash Cleanse to power through and break the CC to finish the cast.
Thanks for reading.
"I blame society."
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
And as alternatives to becoming universal, specialized cleanses could instead have augments for smth like "give resistance buff to this effect for some time" or "reflect this effect onto the initial caster", or anything of the sort.
p.s. I haven't read the original thread behind this splinter, so I dunno if this has been brought up there.
I'm fine with something like:
Used during Soothing Glow cast -> Removes Poison
Used during Judgement cast -> Removes Stun
Used during Deliverance Cast -> Removes Bleed/Wound
Used during Resplendent Beam -> Removes Blind/similar effects
Used during Consecrated Wave -> Removes Slows/Roots
Used during Defiant Light -> Removes most/all Stat downs/Staggers/etc
I'd like specialized cleanses too, but I get the feeling Ashes won't have them, and with their current CC play, I don't know if it 'should', so I bring this up.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
maybe some aoe cleanse too for cleric/cleric =D