Character Crafted gear in the Cash Shop

I'll keep this brief as I'm not sure if it has been brought up before... but is it possible to only sell gear on Intrepids Cash Shop that is made my crafters? It adds another game loop, ensure crafters are the ones being used to add gear to the game and still makes ashes some extra funds. I understand it may be too limiting, unless you make it great 😉

Just wanted to get this out there before I forgot. I'll dig in a bit when I'm near a PC. Any feedback/corrections?


  • DepravedDepraved Member
    only sell gear in the cash shop? so I cant buy stuff from another player using in game gold?
  • KriscoKrisco Member
    Depraved wrote: »
    only sell gear in the cash shop? so I cant buy stuff from another player using in game gold?

    No, keep the idea for the cash shop exactly how it is now... but only sell items by doing crafting orders and let the crafters fulfill them. If that doesn't make sense, I'll clarify when I have more time 😄
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The Cash Shop will only have Cosmetics; not Gear that can be Crafted.
    Crafters cannot create Skins.
  • KriscoKrisco Member
    edited June 10
    Dygz wrote: »
    The Cash Shop will only have Cosmetics; not Gear that can be Crafted.
    Crafters cannot create Skins.

    Exactly... now imagine if those cosmetics first had to be created by a player... keep the economy going... full circle.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    That's not a thing the devs want.
  • Krisco wrote: »
    Exactly... now imagine if those cosmetics first had to be created by a player... keep the economy going... full circle.
    We will already have crafted items that will be transmoggable. No need to tie this to money.
  • KriscoKrisco Member
    Dygz wrote: »
    That's not a thing the devs want.

    Thank you for your insight, greatly appreciated.
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    Krisco wrote: »
    I'll keep this brief as I'm not sure if it has been brought up before... but is it possible to only sell gear on Intrepids Cash Shop that is made my crafters? It adds another game loop, ensure crafters are the ones being used to add gear to the game and still makes ashes some extra funds. I understand it may be too limiting, unless you make it great 😉

    Just wanted to get this out there before I forgot. I'll dig in a bit when I'm near a PC. Any feedback/corrections?

    No, definitely not. The next thing that happens is the crafters ask for a cut and Ashes becomes a job. Might as well just do block chain.

    Buying crafted gear for real money is literally pay to win.
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    i wouldnt mind cosmetics being created by crafters and being sold in game for in game gold. regarding selling in the cash shop, probs wont work. people buy because they want that thing now. if they have to wait until someone fulfills and order and crafts, they might not want the cosmetic anymore (yeh lots of people are impulse buyers).

    it could work if people could craf the cosmetics and publish them so that people could browse and buy. this could work a lot better since they will be limited in number, and people like buying things when they are in a limited quantity.
  • KriscoKrisco Member
    Depraved wrote: »
    i wouldnt mind cosmetics being created by crafters and being sold in game for in game gold. regarding selling in the cash shop, probs wont work. people buy because they want that thing now. if they have to wait until someone fulfills and order and crafts, they might not want the cosmetic anymore (yeh lots of people are impulse buyers).

    it could work if people could craf the cosmetics and publish them so that people could browse and buy. this could work a lot better since they will be limited in number, and people like buying things when they are in a limited quantity.

    Exactly. Intrepid sells the pre-made cosmetics for real cash. The crafters of the cosmetics get in game currency, the exact same as selling gear on the market place for the crafters and just like intrepid selling the cosmetics on the cash shop. The biggest hurdle would likely be quantities as you mentioned... but I do believe Steven mentioned wanting cosmetics to be limited... just like they've been doing thus far.

    Anyways, I won't be partaking in either of these things but I thought it would be an interesting way to handle a cash shop. I personally would rather pay a $50/month sub and earn my gear in game... unpopular opinion, I know 🫢🤣
  • Depraved wrote: »
    it could work if people could craf the cosmetics and publish them so that people could browse and buy. this could work a lot better since they will be limited in number, and people like buying things when they are in a limited quantity.
    Gear will have appearance slots (Transmutation/Transmog/cosmetic slots) that are used to copy the appearance of an item (in some cases).[127][128]

    That 128's quote directly says "you can use an earlier sword's appearance all the way up.." (to max lvl I assume)

    So people can just craft cool-looking stuff and sell it as "cosmetics". We'll already have markets with players stalls and shops, so some node will inevitably become "the cosmetics market" and crafters can use that to sell their stuff.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    Krisco wrote: »
    Depraved wrote: »
    i wouldnt mind cosmetics being created by crafters and being sold in game for in game gold. regarding selling in the cash shop, probs wont work. people buy because they want that thing now. if they have to wait until someone fulfills and order and crafts, they might not want the cosmetic anymore (yeh lots of people are impulse buyers).

    it could work if people could craf the cosmetics and publish them so that people could browse and buy. this could work a lot better since they will be limited in number, and people like buying things when they are in a limited quantity.

    Exactly. Intrepid sells the pre-made cosmetics for real cash. The crafters of the cosmetics get in game currency, the exact same as selling gear on the market place for the crafters and just like intrepid selling the cosmetics on the cash shop. The biggest hurdle would likely be quantities as you mentioned... but I do believe Steven mentioned wanting cosmetics to be limited... just like they've been doing thus far.

    Anyways, I won't be partaking in either of these things but I thought it would be an interesting way to handle a cash shop. I personally would rather pay a $50/month sub and earn my gear in game... unpopular opinion, I know 🫢🤣

    oh I think id prefer if the crafter got cash too.
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    edited June 12
    They sell cosmetics made by players in Warframe and its fine. It's a curated list though. The devs review submissions and only approve a few at a time. And the items are not "crafted" in game. They are cosmetic assets made with Blender.

    My issue is the "crafted" part of the topic. If you mean game assets that are made by crafters in game should then be sold back to players for cash, then no. That is literally the thing this game is trying to avoid.
  • One of the game's core principles that Intrepid refuse to budge on is the strict avoidance of Pay To Win. That's part of the reason most of us are here.

    Being able to use Real Life money to generate in-game gold would go against that.
    This link may help you:

  • KriscoKrisco Member
    No pay to win and crafters are making the gear. Let me see if I can rephrase this.

    Option 1: Intrepid makes a cool costume to sell on their cash shop. People buy said item for real cash. The person can now wear cooler gear than crafters can make. The end.

    Option 2: Intrepid makes a cool costume to sell on their cash shop. Intrepid then puts out a job ticket on the town board of a metropolis to petition crafters to supply this new item for the cash shop. It would simply involve crafters and gatherers in the process. That way everything in the game is essentially made by the players, even the cash shop swag. The player would be rewarded the same way they'd be rewarded for doing any in game crafting or job ticket.... not with real money or p2w. Intrepid gets the real money and the in game rewards stay balanced.

  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited June 13
    Let me simplify it for you:
    Crafters make gold.
    Donators buy with $
    There is a market? There is p2w.
    Key phrase: crafters make gold.
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    edited June 13
    Krisco wrote: »
    No pay to win and crafters are making the gear. Let me see if I can rephrase this.

    Option 1: Intrepid makes a cool costume to sell on their cash shop. People buy said item for real cash. The person can now wear cooler gear than crafters can make. The end.

    Option 2: Intrepid makes a cool costume to sell on their cash shop. Intrepid then puts out a job ticket on the town board of a metropolis to petition crafters to supply this new item for the cash shop. It would simply involve crafters and gatherers in the process. That way everything in the game is essentially made by the players, even the cash shop swag. The player would be rewarded the same way they'd be rewarded for doing any in game crafting or job ticket.... not with real money or p2w. Intrepid gets the real money and the in game rewards stay balanced.

    Option 1: No way, the cash shop should always have a far, far smaller selection than what you can find in game. And the cash shop should be strictly sideways in its selection, meaning different but under no circumstance better. RMT gear being noticeably better is a problem, especially in a subscription game.

    Option 2: Not a good path to follow. You are incentivizing players to focus and play for the cash shop instead of the actual game economy. You are also printing money to inject into the economy for no real benefit.

    The point is, the cash shop can be there as a side option to additionally support Intrepid when you feel they've earned it and/or a place where you can occasionally find a different version of gear that you really like. It should never be an in-game focus or the center and any in game events.
  • chibibreechibibree Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Crafters can make themselves a personal shop:

    Otherwise, I think crafted items should not be listed outside of a game environment. Keep in mind that cash shop items are open to all servers where as a crafter is only on one single server. That being said, there should be no way to buy in game items with real life currency.

    In terms of cosmetics, in game is intended to be the superior cosmetic over the cash shop. Whether or not it is, is more of a personal opinion.
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