Rogue's *single dagger vs dual dagger*

So, I've read the wiki page on this, but I couldn't still quite understand. Will there be a possibility to go single dagger for rogues or dual daggers will be a default? Maybe something like dual dagger has better physical attack, but with single dagger cooldowns of your blows lasts shorter so you can spam more backstabs (an example out of the air)? I come from the era of single daggers only for rogues and something like WoW's dual wielding daggers looked always very alien to me therefore just trying to look for some hope ^^


  • GithalGithal Member
    As far as i understood - All weapons are by default single hand item (so single dagger). And in off hand you can have things like shield/spellbook and stuff like this. and only the Main hand has the item talents available, while the off hand has no such things (tho the shield may have some active blocking/parry and ect that are from the generic talent tree).

    For duel welding you will need to accomplish some task/quest/crafting recipe or something like this - which will allow you to craft dual weapons from 2x single weapons (of same type? not sure if you can dual wield dagger and 1 hand axe...). So once you craft your dual weald daggers from 2x single daggers, then you get completely different skill tree for the new weapon that is now taking both your hands
  • GithalGithal Member
    This also means that you cant dual weald 2 random daggers. Since the recipe will list: "2x iron daggers". or "iron dagger + poison dagger".
  • Githal wrote: »
    As far as i understood - All weapons are by default single hand item (so single dagger). And in off hand you can have things like shield/spellbook and stuff like this. and only the Main hand has the item talents available, while the off hand has no such things (tho the shield may have some active blocking/parry and ect that are from the generic talent tree).

    For duel welding you will need to accomplish some task/quest/crafting recipe or something like this - which will allow you to craft dual weapons from 2x single weapons (of same type? not sure if you can dual wield dagger and 1 hand axe...). So once you craft your dual weald daggers from 2x single daggers, then you get completely different skill tree for the new weapon that is now taking both your hands

    That's a great answer and I really do appreciate it, tho my main concern is if that dual dagger skill tree would be a "goal" for a rogue or an option. Would having dual dagger weapons and it's skill tree would be considered "better" than single dagger skill tree or simply different playstyle. I hope for it to be an option for a different gameplay as I really wish I could play with a rogue with one dagger and nothing else in the off hand. Especially if wearing a shield makes your evasion decreased (eventho I need to check if thing like evasion even exists in Ashes).
  • GithalGithal Member

    That's a great answer and I really do appreciate it, tho my main concern is if that dual dagger skill tree would be a "goal" for a rogue or an option. Would having dual dagger weapons and it's skill tree would be considered "better" than single dagger skill tree or simply different playstyle. I hope for it to be an option for a different gameplay as I really wish I could play with a rogue with one dagger and nothing else in the off hand. Especially if wearing a shield makes your evasion decreased (eventho I need to check if thing like evasion even exists in Ashes).

    Well the short answer is - for sure 1 will be better then other in particular situation. But the other may find its uses in other situation (1 may be better in pvp in 1v1, other in pvp in 8v8, or in pve).

    And since there will be so many customizable talents/weapon skills/ racials / item type (cloth leather plate), religions / Sub class selection. This will pretty much enable both daggers to have their uses. And 1 may be better in 1 specialization, while the other in different.
  • TexasTexas Member
    edited June 11
    From one of a latest streams, I got the impression there will be different weapon skill trees for dualwield. Kind of like 1h vs 2h weapons. Or maybe like Shields, there's a unversal skill tree with dual-wield properties. I don't think he directly said either, but he didn't give the impression it was purely cosmetic either.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    This is silly. We all know Rogue battleaxe is going to be the best. 🤣
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    Githal wrote: »
    As far as i understood - All weapons are by default single hand item (so single dagger). And in off hand you can have things like shield/spellbook and stuff like this. and only the Main hand has the item talents available, while the off hand has no such things (tho the shield may have some active blocking/parry and ect that are from the generic talent tree).

    For duel welding you will need to accomplish some task/quest/crafting recipe or something like this - which will allow you to craft dual weapons from 2x single weapons (of same type? not sure if you can dual wield dagger and 1 hand axe...). So once you craft your dual weald daggers from 2x single daggers, then you get completely different skill tree for the new weapon that is now taking both your hands

    That's a great answer and I really do appreciate it, tho my main concern is if that dual dagger skill tree would be a "goal" for a rogue or an option. Would having dual dagger weapons and it's skill tree would be considered "better" than single dagger skill tree or simply different playstyle. I hope for it to be an option for a different gameplay as I really wish I could play with a rogue with one dagger and nothing else in the off hand. Especially if wearing a shield makes your evasion decreased (eventho I need to check if thing like evasion even exists in Ashes).

    there's dual dagger sin l2 too T_T
  • Depraved wrote: »
    Githal wrote: »
    As far as i understood - All weapons are by default single hand item (so single dagger). And in off hand you can have things like shield/spellbook and stuff like this. and only the Main hand has the item talents available, while the off hand has no such things (tho the shield may have some active blocking/parry and ect that are from the generic talent tree).

    For duel welding you will need to accomplish some task/quest/crafting recipe or something like this - which will allow you to craft dual weapons from 2x single weapons (of same type? not sure if you can dual wield dagger and 1 hand axe...). So once you craft your dual weald daggers from 2x single daggers, then you get completely different skill tree for the new weapon that is now taking both your hands

    That's a great answer and I really do appreciate it, tho my main concern is if that dual dagger skill tree would be a "goal" for a rogue or an option. Would having dual dagger weapons and it's skill tree would be considered "better" than single dagger skill tree or simply different playstyle. I hope for it to be an option for a different gameplay as I really wish I could play with a rogue with one dagger and nothing else in the off hand. Especially if wearing a shield makes your evasion decreased (eventho I need to check if thing like evasion even exists in Ashes).

    there's dual dagger sin l2 too T_T

    Well yes, but not in C1-Interlude which matters the most 🤭 Gosh, I didn't like when they added those..must have been in Kamael as I remember correctly..
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    pfftt gracia > interlude ;3
  • Depraved wrote: »
    pfftt gracia > interlude ;3

    Oh my! Traitor! ><
  • DepravedDepraved Member

    i just liked the element system ;-;

    didn't like it in h5 tho
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