Constant / Excessive Jumping, and Mitigation



  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Liniker wrote: »
    idk whats up with people trying to force others playing the way they think looks cool... just let people jump as much as they want ffs

    You might as well bring the stuffertons in, neon bright pink dyes for armors and weapons, modern cosmetics. Let ppl do whatever they want.

    Do you think any of these things won't eventually be in the game?
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited June 17
    hleV wrote: »
    What's up with people failing to grasp that to some, needless jumping around looks dumb, and they'd rather have this dumbness limited? We have a beautiful game world, beautifully looking characters, but if the character controls like mario then that's probably not great?

    its a fucking video game mate, so now you wanna control/limit how people move their characters based on what you think looks good? whats next running should be tied to a heart beat system because in real life people dont run around all the time and we should be walking?

    hey the chicken emote looks dumb lets remove it!
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  • TaakuTaaku Member
    The problem with your solutions to "excessive jumping" is that they are far to expensive and timely to implement for something that really is not an issue. Sorry but spam jumping gives no buffs to people that do it. Maybe the people complaining about how other people have fun should focus more on themselves instead of what others are doing.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited June 17
    Liniker wrote: »
    hleV wrote: »
    What's up with people failing to grasp that to some, needless jumping around looks dumb, and they'd rather have this dumbness limited? We have a beautiful game world, beautifully looking characters, but if the character controls like mario then that's probably not great?

    its a fucking video game mate, so now you wanna control/limit how people move their characters based on what you think looks good? whats next running should be tied to a heart beat system because in real life people dont run around all the time and we should be walking?

    hey the chicken emote looks dumb lets remove it!

  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The game allows you to jump freely. During Alpha 1, free movement was a HUGE issue. Attacks would force you to move forward and lock you into an animation that felt completely awful. It would have killed the game on arrival and lucky for us, this team truly cares about the community and changed it very fast.

    Giving players the freedom to jump only to cause them to have any sort of counter measure that directly takes away that freedom is ridiculous. Punishing someone for spamming spacebar when it does not benefit you to spam it in the first place doesn't make sense.

    There is no such thing as bunny hopping as it is since true bunny hopping gives you a benefit for doing so. True bunny hopping glitches the mechanics and gives damage reduction, faster movement, reduced stamina usage which are not a part of AoC.

    Don't change jumping. Allow people to spam spacebar if they want to and don't waste time developing useless mechanics that WILL be abused. Forcing movement speed changes, jump punishments or things like that are why bunny hopping are even possible.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    Liniker wrote: »
    idk whats up with people trying to force others playing the way they think looks cool... just let people jump as much as they want ffs

    I give You my Like only because You added "FFS" at the End of your Comment, Liniker. I love it when People swear and curse.

    Kidding :D Please forgive me.

    Actually, Yes. Why not, in Case of doubt ? Let People play the way they like. That being said, Liniker - don't regret the optical Horrors You just summoned in a handful of Years or so. :D (hahahahahahahahahahaah)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • This would be too much oversight, in my opinion. Let the people have their fun! While I am not a constant jumper, I know some people who have this built into their rotations and don't even know they are doing it. It's just how their hands work at this point - ha!
    "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very, very brightly, Raging."
  • NeurotoxinNeurotoxin Member, Alpha One
    This would be too much oversight, in my opinion. Let the people have their fun! While I am not a constant jumper, I know some people who have this built into their rotations and don't even know they are doing it. It's just how their hands work at this point - ha!

    It requires decisions to be made by the team either way. It is fine to let jumpers be jumpers, so long as there is not a mechanical benefit being granted for it. If there is, it should be addressed and balanced. Are the devs sitting around testing and balancing around jumping vs not jumping right now? Nah probably not, it is likely something they'd rather wait til A2 to see and determine if it needs to be addressed at all.

    So far I see 5 people who replied in support potential balancing or mitigation, 9 who don't want any balancing, 4 who kinda seem to be "as long as there's no advantage its fine" and 2 who I'm not exactly sure the point you're making. This isn't really a sampling of the whole population of players, but at this point I think we really need to see how it plays first-hand to get a better idea of how it exists now and whether it is fine or has some issues.

    We all know Steven is a frequent jumper so they won't go too far on mitigation of jump-related activities. I have a feeling you can't air-block or air-dodge anyway so being in the air means likely you're already somewhat defenseless.
  • TaerrikTaerrik Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Careful guys, we are going to start a jumping megathread at this rate.
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