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Concern and Support for Steven Sharif’s Health

Greetings, glorious Ashes of Creation community,

I hope this message finds everyone well. I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest appreciation for all the hard work and dedication that Steven Sharif and the entire Intrepid team put into developing this incredible game.

Over the past year, many of us have noticed that Steven has been dealing with a persistent cough during livestreams. Recently, it was mentioned that the next Development Update livestream has been delayed to allow Steven more time to recover from being sick.

As a community, we truly care about Steven's well-being. We understand the immense effort he puts into leading this project, and we want to make sure he knows that his health is far more important than any update or development schedule.

Could we kindly get an update on how Steven is doing? We hope he takes all the time he needs to fully recover. Our thoughts and best wishes are with him, and we’re all here cheering him on to get better soon.

Thank you, Intrepid, for keeping us informed and for all that you do.



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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
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    Get well soon, Steven!
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited June 27
    Steven has had a persistent cough since 2017.
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    He's simply down with the sickness
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    AszkalonAszkalon Member
    As the old Wisdom goes that Reallife must always come first,

    a good "get well soon" from me as well. Sometimes it just hits us whetever we like it or not.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✗ Not looking for a guild atm
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    ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited June 28
    probably taking a bong rip before each stream
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    CROW3CROW3 Member
    No, you don’t need an update. He’s not an elected official, and you don’t need to know. His health is his business.
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    FaimithFaimith Member
    CROW3 wrote: »
    No, you don’t need an update. He’s not an elected official, and you don’t need to know. His health is his business.

    Thank you for sharing your perspective, CROW3. I understand that Steven's health is his personal business, and I certainly respect his privacy. My intention with this post was not to pry into his personal life but to express genuine concern and support as a member of this community. Steven has been an incredible leader for Ashes of Creation, and I wanted to let him know that we appreciate his efforts and wish him a full recovery. It's important to me, and I believe to many others in the community, to show our support for those who make significant contributions to something we all care about.
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    MyosotysMyosotys Member
    Faimith wrote: »
    I understand that Steven's health is his personal business, and I certainly respect his privacy.

    If you know, why do you ask such questions in public ? Send him a PM.
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    OtrOtr Member
    Faimith wrote: »
    CROW3 wrote: »
    No, you don’t need an update. He’s not an elected official, and you don’t need to know. His health is his business.

    Thank you for sharing your perspective, CROW3. I understand that Steven's health is his personal business, and I certainly respect his privacy. My intention with this post was not to pry into his personal life but to express genuine concern and support as a member of this community. Steven has been an incredible leader for Ashes of Creation, and I wanted to let him know that we appreciate his efforts and wish him a full recovery. It's important to me, and I believe to many others in the community, to show our support for those who make significant contributions to something we all care about.

    You are hiding your intentions behind polite words.
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    Otr wrote: »
    Faimith wrote: »
    CROW3 wrote: »
    No, you don’t need an update. He’s not an elected official, and you don’t need to know. His health is his business.

    Thank you for sharing your perspective, CROW3. I understand that Steven's health is his personal business, and I certainly respect his privacy. My intention with this post was not to pry into his personal life but to express genuine concern and support as a member of this community. Steven has been an incredible leader for Ashes of Creation, and I wanted to let him know that we appreciate his efforts and wish him a full recovery. It's important to me, and I believe to many others in the community, to show our support for those who make significant contributions to something we all care about.

    You are hiding your intentions behind polite words.

    What could his intentions be? You think its possible, that he is just concerned for a fellow homosapien? I know that I noticed the cough myself, and has seen that he had it every stream since. Asking if he is ok, is not really a bad thing, is it?
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    Like others have said, he has coughed since the first Kickstarter streams with Jeff and Peter in 2017, and probably before that. But I'm sure he has pretty good medical cover and can get himself checked out if need be.

    I think it comes down to how much he must talk each day. I don't think he operates much by text or email, he discusses most things face to face with his staff and the community, and would probably talk for at least 50% of any meeting he is in. And he's doing Ashes related stuff for 16 hrs a day.

    If he has abnormal laryngeal folding, frequent coughing is a symptom. There is such a thing as experiencing frequent coughing without actually being sick.
    The girl watched the last of the creatures die and murmured a soft 'Thank you' to her rescuer.

    The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.

    'We have to move. It's not safe here.'
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    CROW3 wrote: »
    No, you don’t need an update. He’s not an elected official, and you don’t need to know. His health is his business.

    The only sane comment in this whole thread.

    Lmao we really have people in here trying to diagnose and speculate about Steven Sharif's health.

    Man Alpha 2 can't come soon enough to save some of you guys sanity...
    "Divinity is not just Love, Devotion or Purpose. Divinity is the hammer which we use to crush Corruption."
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    Thank you so much for all the hard work and energy you have invested in this game and Keeping the community Happy and informed...But please take what ever time you need for your health....because you cant keep us happy if you are Ill...take care of your self please.
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