Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Tagging other guilds as friendly, neutral or hostile, outside the alliance/war system.

Basically, it's about allowing guild leadership to mark other guilds as friendly, neutral or hostile, so a small icon or colored dot or something appears next to the guild tag of players in other guilds. No other ingame effect, just a little visual to help your guildies, instead of them having to look at a long list or asking in guild chat.
While I understand the guild leader having this option, why couldn't an individual payer set or adjust it for himself if its the same basic system?
Up to a point yes, but once you get past a certain amount guilds, especially if they include alt guilds, all the names can become a bit of a blur. There is no way I am remembering 200 different guild names and their status
Every System that individually "marks" Players independent from Mechanics in the Game like for Example a Mayor declaring Citizens of another Node to Enemies,
can support Freedom for the individual Players who use mentioned "every System".
It could also lead to Misunderstandings and Doom and Drama however, if not used wisely.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
I can't think of any other game in which I would think something like this would be actually useful, but since Ashes has a larger population per server than most other games, that means more guilds per server.
Easy to implement systems that have no ongoing maintainence, improve the game play experience and have no negative implications are always worth it.
The tagging is useful when corruption is not important and fast decision must be taken if we help players survive or die, on who's side to fight if we see two factions in battle.
It is useful also if alliances are chained:
A allied with B, B allied witch C but A is not allied with C because max limit reached.
Aren't we all sinners?
✓ roleplayer
✗ Not looking for a guild atm
Sandbox game is dead. Players of all kind want the hand holding / systemic gameplay
That makes no sense.
Eve Online is/was a sandbox game, much more sandy than Ashes ever will be, and it had the same feature from the get-go pretty much. This proposed feature isn't about handholding, it's about having a good UI that helps players deal with lots of information.
Sandboxes are built upon game systems. Saying sandbox is dead due to too many systems is to say you don't understand what a sandbox is.
As a general feature, I'm sure it would work well. But I'm worried it's a step into reinforcing the mentality seen in owPvP in hard factions games: hostile tag = enemy faction, must kill if possible. Meaning, I'm afraid players would treat a hostile tag as a sufficient reason to attack someone, even if not doing anything hostile. It would also become a way to have permanent "unofficial" guild wars.
It kills part of the charm of faction-less PvP. It makes it too easy to ignore the ambiguity of other players affiliation. It reduces the incentive to communicate with others and being social in the open (I know, surprising thing to hear from me).
Still have the criminal system.
This would be a "heads up". Not a "red=dead".
People wont take-on criminality easily. The system will get tuned/updated to keep it that way.
On the guild social menu you can pick from a set of basic icons & colors to add a rule for guilds, individuals, and/or citizenship. Not all relationships are defined easily so having a way to create rules for that is a good idea. maybe individuals can toggle that UI element (keyboard shortcut) for situations where players dont want that info, such as when they are streaming or if its just clutter in a raid.
I get what you are saying, but guilds who organize like that will do so regardless, through a similar guildname or a guildtag in the name or something. My suggestion doesn't change that aspect at all, nor does it really help them.