another fun subclass idea: the Drake knight

Its been a while since my last post and I've finally gotten enough sleep that I have the energy to bother with making sure I write this out a bit better than usual since I have finally found a solution to deal with my annoying ass insomnia but anyways, this is just an idea I'm making in the vain of offering a unique subclass that perhaps only in this case, fighters would be able to gain through a unique small single player quest that would be challenging and offer this choice at the end to those who wanna try it but still is ultimately at absolute most a unique single augment that I would say in this case could full on replace your other augment options locking you into this one path. The idea for the subclass/augment is a dragon based class in the same sort of style as elden rings dragon communion and drake knights which I obviously only thought of based on the fact that I currently am working towards completely my NG cycle enough to get the other spell from eating bayles heart and thought this could work great as a stand alone singular augment for the fighter class earned through a unique single player quest.

As for how this quest would work, it would see you taking on the role of a drake knight and beginning your path to slaying your first true dragon and devouring its heart to take its power and thusly grant yourself more power and could even make for a whole knew mechanic where you maybe even could eat dragon hearts gained to either fully self revive once or maybe since it would take away ALL other augment options, maybe you could gain unique spells from eating dragon hearts but perhaps only hold a certain number of these powers at once forcing you to choose which power you wish to keep and which to sacrifice for more power and this would be how kinda like in elden ring, you start first consuming a heart for something like dragon fire but after killing agaheel, you get agaheels flame when you devour its heart or how you can get magma breath normally but after killing theodorix, you can get theodorix's magma breath! :D

beyond all this the way the spells would change your stuff is maybe like a charge would see a dragon head temporarily form over yours before charing down enemies, taking longer than a normal charge but being wider range and MUCH more damaging or perhaps a general roar that maybe could give a AOE dmg boost would now also grant a defense boost and hurt any enemy too close while maybe even being undodgable but of course, slower and harder to hit. Theres also a weapon and a unique weapon buff that both give me an idea for how your weapon based attacks like a greatsword swing could be affected as perhaps you having eatten a dragons heart now yourself are a dragonoid perhaps even overwritting racial traits and augments with your newfound draconic power AND your weapon based abilites like a greatsword slash would now start with you cutting your hand on your blade and maybe even deal some damage to you before you swing your blade coated in dragonwound blood that would not only in general probably again both take longer but be more damaging but maybe when fighting a dragon specifically, you could see it do like double or even triple damage as the only thing that could harm a dragon truly is another dragon making you a true dragon slayer! Honestly if there was such a unique subclass added post launcher of course to avoid scope creep, I would literally make an entire guild of dragon slayers whose whole purpose is killing dragons and selling their parts as well as being almost in a way, a seige force as I would also imagine just in general, dragon magic like in elden rings would not only be great for warfare but especially for destroying castle walls and seiging cities ;D


  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Great fan-fiction, but...
    Really has nothing to do Ashes game mechanics.
  • RookkRookk Member
    Dygz wrote: »
    Great fan-fiction, but...
    Really has nothing to do Ashes game mechanics.

    man months later and you still have a grudge against me for some stupid reason.... anyways to the actual point this is something im saying they could add as a optional thing after launch idiot... literally you of all people who stalk me through all my posts just to comment how much you hate me should know this already but im basing this on the concept i think they should add after launch where they could add new augments earned through single player quests that in this case for example, could even overwrite your other augment options and lock you into a specific subclass for a specific primary class with again in this case, that would be the fighter getting locked into being a drake knight through and through.
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