Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha 2 Preview keys?

After having watched the latest livestream explaining the new server-meshing technology Intrepid is using for Ashes of Creation, and the announcement of A2 keys coming back to the store, I had a thought worth sharing for those still sitting on the fence about the game.
Prior to purchasing an A2 key to gain access to the game, what is the general consensus to opening up temporary access via 1 or 2-day passes for A2 access? These could be like $5 passes players could purchase to give to someone (a friend for example) for a chance to check the game out prior to them investing into an A2 key for themselves. I feel this could be good for marketing, especially with the open development process we've seen from the Intrepid team via the monthly livestreams and other posts here on the forums. Thoughts anyone?
Also, when are we getting the next cosmetic pack in the store?
Prior to purchasing an A2 key to gain access to the game, what is the general consensus to opening up temporary access via 1 or 2-day passes for A2 access? These could be like $5 passes players could purchase to give to someone (a friend for example) for a chance to check the game out prior to them investing into an A2 key for themselves. I feel this could be good for marketing, especially with the open development process we've seen from the Intrepid team via the monthly livestreams and other posts here on the forums. Thoughts anyone?
Also, when are we getting the next cosmetic pack in the store?

This is something that would only ever be worth doing during alpha if Intrepid wanted to run a fairly extreme stress test - however, the best thing to do for that is to just give free access to the game for a weekend, not paid.
Alpha periods are not when previews should happen - you want to preview the game somewhat close to how it will be, not the game as it is still in construction.
Are you sure you watched the video because Steven told : "There will not be (more) rotating cosmectics" at at about 1:30:55
Apparently never. When i didn't misunderstood, then the next Keys will be solely for Access to the Alpha Two and nothing cosmetic will come yet again.
However - there is never everything 100% carved into Stone before one can see it. In the Case that Intrepid needs and wants to make more Money,
( which i doubt ),
then there is a slim Chance they might add some Cosmetic things to it again, which would explain a higher Price than Alpha Two Keys solely being sold for Access again.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
I mean this is us helping them test the game, if anything without us they would be paying some third party to test their game.
And the 250$ pre order packs - you just bought the cosmetics - not access key iteself (since as previous statement the key should not cost $). You just got the access key as bonus for buying the cosmetics.
Erm, I can't speak for everyone, but I think people see the cosmetics as a bonus for buying the key, not the other way around. We'd have riots if they started giving out keys for free in large quantities.
What @arkileo said. Riots would ensue. The $250 pack that was once available and changed every month did come with a plethora of great stuff, such as the cosmetics, in-game currency, and a major amount of gameplay time.
The standalone A2 key will cost less, maybe even significantly less. I'm going to assume <= $100.
I'd also wager with the A2 date being announced later this month, the A2 key cost and release date may also be mentioned, so make sure to tune in on Twitch for any potential live updates.
If you want a free key, you should consider applying for the QA tester position instead if you qualify.
Well this is just my opinion - since for me at least i wont pay to test someone else game... its the other way around - they need to pay me to test their game.
And from there leads to the thinking that the 250$ are the cosmetics.
But guess people are different.
I mean.. what will you earn by testing the game in A2? The answer is some experience of the game that will prepare you bit more than the rest for the launch (i say "bit more" because the other players will still watch videos make research and ect, so the diff wont be that great). And you risk overburning your self. Dont think its great deal tbh.
There will not be (more) rotating.
Steven meant that the Alpha keys will not be bound to cosmetics.
Makes no sense to not sell cosmetics now that players can see them in game.
No the higher cost of entry keeps bad actors out.
Prefer it to be on a monthly basis, Since you never know how long it will last.
Well.. I mean... as long as there are enough people willing to pay to do a job that should otherwise be paying them to do the thing.. guess they can afford to put high prices
The sort of "testing" that people will be doing for Alpha 2 isn't something that they should be paid for lol
And what kind of testing do you think they will be doing? Pretty sure that after the wave for the first few months, those of the testers that keep logging daily will be performing what you could call "part time job" which will be benefiting Intrepid.
The vast majority will be playing the game like normal while occasionally providing some feedback and maybe reporting some bugs. That is not something they should be paid for. Actual paid QA testing is nothing like what 99.9% players will be doing with Alpha 2.
I said nothing about time.
You want to receive 250$ / month to test the game?
Depends for how many hours a day we talking about. But for few hours seems reasonable.
Thats why i mentioned "the players that stay after the first few months that keep logging daily".
But ye - i agree that 99% of the initial players that start the A2 testing will provide no feedback
If you want to get paid to test the game then apply to be a QA tester. Just be aware that what you think testing is (what you think you should be paid to do with Alpha 2) and what they actually do are going to be wildly different.
Yo do whatever you are told to do.
Those people will still not be doing anything at all comparable to actual QA.
QA = Quality Assurance, and is more connected with the code than connected with actual gameplay testing.
We talking about different things.
Not a good idea, if you want to support the company and game, buy a pack, if not, don't, alpha 2 is not a game and you need to stop seeing it this way, you will see footage on YouTube to see if you want to jump in or not 🦘🦘
Sure, that incredibly vague statement describes most jobs. That isn't how Alpha 2 is going to be for people that have access though. We are going to play like normal and maybe provide some feedback, report some bugs, and choose to be involved in some voluntary focus testing.