Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

[NA | Vyra] The Midnight Society | Midcore PVX | Alpha 2 | 18+ | US West

Midna_MegistusMidna_Megistus Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited January 4 in NA Guild Recruitment

Guild Name: The Midnight Society
Leader: Midna Megistus
Server: North America
Timezones: PST to CST
Discord Link:

🌙We are the Midnight Society! A small collection of groups, each with its own goals and purposes.

🌙As a medium, midcore, LGBTQ+ friendly community, we are newly created for the upcoming MMO Ashes of Creation. We are looking to recruit dedicated individuals who wish to work together to reach our common goals, which range from raising and governing an economic node to owning our own tavern! Additionally, we seek to network with other small to medium guilds in order to build a web of support that hopes to stand against the might of much larger guilds. To that end, we accept everyone aged 18 and older, from mercenaries and raiders to herbalists and scribes. Additionally, we ARE participating in Alpha 2! We're active on North American server Vyra. Check us out, especially if you have a key~

🌙Our recruitment efforts are focused on US West Coast and Central timezones.

🌙We hope you’ll consider the Midnight Society.


🌙Focus: Establish and Manage Economic or Scientific Node
- Support Sieges
- Protect Caravans
- Dungeons
- Raids
- Run a Tavern
- Network with other Guilds


- Crafters
- Gatherers
- Traders
- Mercenaries
- Raiders
- Explorers
- Diplomats


- Organization
- Positive Environment
- Friendly/Safe Community
- Upward Mobility
- Three specialized factions to choose from

🌙Playing other games in the meantime~
Should you wish to join, visit our Discord
Midna Megistus | The Midnight Society | Guildmaster
“After time adrift among open stars, along tides of light and through shoals of dust, I will return to where I began.”


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