Busy Alpha 2 play testers best use of time?

GarrenGarren Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
I'll be an Alpha 2 play tester, but I have limited free time due to work, relationships, and socializing compared to others. What would be the best use of my time when play testing Alpha 2? I would love for developer feedback. I'm super excited to be a part of this project, I participated in the Alpha 1 play test, have been following this project for 4 years now, and watch every monthly update livestream. I just want to feel like I'm contributing something with the time I have towards Alpha 2's play testing, and would like a little direction in placing my efforts.

Thank you in advance.


  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    edited July 15
    I am not even sure what for Contents exactly we will test "when", soooo ... ... ^.^ ... ...

    Best use of time will probably be " Test whatever dear Intrepid right now demands to be tested " when we are online. Of Course, there can come also a Time-Window in which we might be told to test whatever we want,

    maybe even most of the Time,

    but i wouldn't assume that it is going to be like that all the time.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • TexasTexas Member
    It's probably either to

    (1) Intrepid might ask testers to focus on things at times. Do that.
    (2) Pick something you like and focus on it. If you want to test combat, for example, go through every class skill point and make sure it works properly. Test the weapon skills. Start the next class or weapon, do the same thing. Repeat and repeat.
    (3) Test recently added / updated systems. After an update, check what the patch changes. Pick something to test.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Joining a guild in your region would also contribute a lot more for testing :)
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  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    We'll have to see what directions the Devs give us during Alpha 2.
    When we don't have Dev directions - test what most interests you.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    edited July 16
    Great topic and question, @Garren !

    @Roshen and I are working on some community programs regarding feedback, so stay tuned for more details about that in the future.

    For now, I'd look forward to testing whatever excites you most for the content available at the launch of Alpha Two!

    What Ashes of Creation content are you wanting to test out the most (or first!)?
  • GarrenGarren Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vaknar wrote: »
    Great topic and question, @Garren !

    @Roshen and I are working on some community programs regarding feedback, so stay tuned for more details about that in the future.

    For now, I'd look forward to testing whatever excites you most for the content available at the launch of Alpha Two!

    What Ashes of Creation content are you wanting to test out the most (or first!)?

    I'm most excited to test the new Fighter build. I look forward to more about the Land Management system, and maybe joining some folks in large pvp combat.
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    Vaknar wrote: »
    Great topic and question, @Garren !

    @Roshen and I are working on some community programs regarding feedback, so stay tuned for more details about that in the future.

    For now, I'd look forward to testing whatever excites you most for the content available at the launch of Alpha Two!

    What Ashes of Creation content are you wanting to test out the most (or first!)?

    Animal husbandry (when it's put in) and the Ranger kit
  • OtrOtr Member
    Vaknar wrote: »
    What Ashes of Creation content are you wanting to test out the most (or first!)?

    I don't want to test anything.
    I'll just observe how testers are going though their test plans.
    The smoke testers will be hard to observe though...
  • for those that dont have much play time just play how you normally would a normal mmo and report any bugs you do find. just being an extra warm body helps stress test and keeps the community flowing for all the really hardcore testers.
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