[Region: NA] Reapers: PVP PVE | Any time zone (I'm Central) | Pirates

Welcome to the Reapers. We are the pirates that will rule the seas. We plunder together and share the spoils. As in the nature of being pirates, we have very few rules, but the rules we do have will be the pirate code you will live by.

1. We do not attack our own. We plan on controlling a coastal node and making it a pirate haven. This means there will be merchant ships coming to and from our port to help it grow. Anything outside of what helps the node is fair game for piracy.
2. We are pirates, NOT murderers. It is more profitable to get the would-be-plundered to hand over what they have versus out right killing them and taking what remains.
3. An attack on one is an attack on all. If anyone dares to threaten our way of life, we will band together and end such treachery.

We must work together to make this free nation of pirates that I dream of, which is why I need you! We will start the recruiting process now so when the game comes we will be ready to set up in a node that we desire. All are welcomed as long as you live by our Pirate Code.

(2) Contacts:
Discord: redldue#3169
If you contact me this way please be sure to message me with something related to you wanting to join or you will be ignored.

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