The Value of Choice in Transmog Systems

My idea on Transmog is that the cost should be significant, but not solely in gold. A nice concept would be that acquiring a transmog should destroy/transform the particular item into the cosmetic. Getting the transmog just because you "touched" it doesn't make sense to me.

This way, you could decide to destroy your old gear and keep it as a transmog to retain the look you like, OR keep the piece of gear and possibly trade it instead. Either you get the transmog or you get to trade the item—you choose.

Give players a hard choice.


  • The top (legendary) cosmetics are going to be through in-game achievements, Xeph ... not bought with gold or in the cash shop.

    Getting those elite achievements isn't going to be easy.

    And now, you'd like to add an extra layer of difficulty on top of that (by sacrificing the gear piece).

    I don't think that's in the spirit of keeping a wide range of character customization options ... as per Steven.
  • XephXeph Member
    edited July 25
    The top (legendary) cosmetics are going to be through in-game achievements, Xeph ... not bought with gold or in the cash shop.

    When I mentioned Gold, I didn't mean it as a way to acquire the piece of equipment, but more so as the cost for applying the Transmog (i.e., World of Warcraft). I know very well that the way to get the best-looking gear will be through great achievements, and I understand your concern.

    It is true that "sacrificing the gear piece" as an additional cost may seem like a lot, but I feel it would add even more meaning to it. Since the gear would be either traded or destroyed only after the player no longer has a need for it (i.e., it is no longer the best equipment for that particular slot), I think it is only fair that this player does not get the benefit of both getting the cosmetic and trading it for currency. Again... Hard Choice.

    And hey! It would make it so that the next time you come across that piece of gear, it would have no other use than to trade it, which is great because you already made that choice, and now you can get rewarded for it.

    Maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm too harsh. But I think that having that additional layer makes the Transmog/Cosmetic so much more valuable because if you see someone with a great looking transmog, you know they had to take this difficult decision.
  • VegaronVegaron Member
    Xeph wrote: »

    And hey! It would make it so that the next time you come across that piece of gear, it would have no other use than to trade it, which is great because you already made that choice, and now you can get rewarded for it.

    I dont know if i get it yet: You want both the real Gear and the Transmog Gear to get untradeable after the Transmog (aswell as using a stone/rune/whatever for it). But after that, it becomes a permanent Skin which can be used indefinetively without having to Transmog again when getting new Gear?

  • ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Xeph wrote: »
    My idea on Transmog is that the cost should be significant, but not solely in gold. A nice concept would be that acquiring a transmog should destroy/transform the particular item into the cosmetic. Getting the transmog just because you "touched" it doesn't make sense to me.

    This way, you could decide to destroy your old gear and keep it as a transmog to retain the look you like, OR keep the piece of gear and possibly trade it instead. Either you get the transmog or you get to trade the item—you choose.

    Give players a hard choice.

    Great idea man I really like it, I don't know about destroying the gear but definitely a high value cost to do it, I also think you should only be able to transmog something once
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    Ok, I get that you’re emphasizing ‘hard choice’, but it’s sort of a meaningless hard choice. I don’t get what your change would accomplish.

    If I have a piece of awesome gear folks will recognize as awesome, I’ll keep it’s looks. If I get a statistically better, but visually unappealing piece later on - no one benefits from destroying the better looking worse piece to make the new one look cool.

    If the complaint is camouflaging awesome gear to look much lower level (plate to bathrobe) and encourage others to attack me, the hard choice is destroying vendor trash to xmog legendaries. That’s not a hard choice.

    If the complaint is camouflaging poor gear to look like awesome gear (bathrobe to plate), you already have the awesome item, so there’s no point wearing the worse gear in the first place. And if your most likely going to choose a vendor trash plate to camo your bathrobe, so again not a hard choice.

    TLDR: Who does this idea benefit?
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