Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

The A2 Revealed



  • RocketFarmerRocketFarmer Member, Alpha Two
    Road map feels just right. Although Phase 3 could be a five year mission exploring strange new worlds and civilizations.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Aszkalon wrote: »
    I didn't watch all of the LiveStream a few Hours ago ... ...

    ... ... ... did they Announce a certain Date in October ?

    If not - then i guess we will have to wait until the End of this Month, or the End of September.

    October 25th.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • RocketFarmerRocketFarmer Member, Alpha Two
    10/25. Now the question will be what time. Guess for some if it’s after 8:00 PM Pacific time, then it’s all a scam.
  • SmaashleySmaashley Member, Alpha Two
    Aszkalon wrote: »
    I didn't watch all of the LiveStream a few Hours ago ... ...

    ... ... ... did they Announce a certain Date in October ?

    If not - then i guess we will have to wait until the End of this Month, or the End of September.

    October 25th.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    Thanks, Guys. I appreciate it. :sunglasses:
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Aszkalon wrote: »
    Mfcrackers wrote: »
    I am not mad ... ... ... I'm just disappointed.

    Can Someone Please give us at least the Reason ? " Why " is it delayed ?

    Is it Bugs ?
    Is it the Engine itself ?

    Is there a Problem with creating the Biomes ?
    Is there a Problem with the Node System ? The Classes ? The different Weathers or four different Seasons ?

    Questions over Questions. ;)

    And Yes - i edited your Comment a little bit in this Quote to better fit the legendary Meme. :mrgreen::sweat_smile:

    And the other Question is also still legit and remains.

    If it wouldn't have been delayed ... ... ... ... ... WHAT* , Please - was the exactly planned Date for the Start of Alpha Two ? I can not imagine that i am the only One who is curious about that.

    Some Answer like : " Never. Because in the End it got pushed back into Quarter Four. " doesn't count. ;)

    Why does this matter to anyone? We have a timeline and even still it may be delayed. I get that we are all excited for this game but come on, let them develop it properly. How many times does Sharif need to go onto twitch to tell you he wants to release the best possible product he can release before people understand why anything is delayed.
  • BlipBlip Member, Alpha Two
    I have to say I agree with OP. I did not expect much, but I did expect the servers to be online 24/7.I feel a bit cheated.

    I’m looking forward to getting hands-on and testing, but I have a bad taste about this. The phases were NEVER mentioned anywhere, and they just dropped it like this. I am a bit annoyed at best.

    The real promised Alpha 2 is in May 2025.If they keep this up, I’m losing all faith in Intrepid and Steven.
  • CaerylCaeryl Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Getting the inkling I'm one of a tiny handful who aren't surprised by the restricted access for the start of Alpha2. A 3:4 ratio to start out isn't fun, but it's not supposed to be for fun. It's so things can be tested, adjusted, and retested on repeat so that it'll be mostly persistent by Jan of 2025. (All in all, quick timeline for a semi-persistent Alpha state)

    Alpha2 is not going to be playable at the start, it's gonna have some wild bugs and it's going to need a lot of work for the new features and general combat balancing and ensuring the servers can handle people doing weird things.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Faimith wrote: »
    Also, I think Intrepid could have just posted in the forums or on social channels that Alpha 2 will not hit Q3 because of said reasons. But going from one stream telling us that they are on track for Q3 to another saying they will miss Q3 without giving reasons is just not the right way. They always communicated well with the community, but I feel it has gotten worse over time.

    Maybe I just inhaled too much copium, who knows. Just wishing for the truth; we can handle it.
    A delay of one month from an evaluation 7 months earlier is pretty good for game development.
    Brian said he hoped things would go well enough that he would be able to give a date for A2 the following month. Again… getting the date 6 weeks later is pretty good.
    Not much need of a Forum post when prepared and shared an hours-long discussion.

    Can’t please all of the people all of the time.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    They should never have announced the Q3 Alpha 2 date. They should have continued development across this year and then announced it at the end of the year for Q2 of 2025. They are breaking a straightforward rule. Under-promise and over-deliver. They are over-promising and they will not be able to deliver.

    People do not understand what "True Alpha" means. After all this time and a million statements, people are STILL talking about "playing the game" in October.

    They are sailing into incredibly choppy waters and the project will be crucified over the coming months.
    Steven is a gamer who has not yet released a finished game. Lots of learning to be had.
    He’s kind of bi-polar with high optimism and perfectionism.
    He’s both very eager to let us explore the game world and also reluctant to show us “crap”.

    There’s always going to be delays.
    Pretty much the first thing gamers learn when they join their first dev team.
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