Westfall vibes

JeanPhilippeGungharJeanPhilippeGunghar Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Did you guys saw the estate sub zone from July livestream? It’s having some Westfall vibes. The buildings (maybe), the fields with mature crops. I could almost see the mechanic mobs from WoW zone. My mind tricked me. Ha ha!


  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I mean.... If you count the Defias infestation in Westfall as brain-dead carrion eaters, then there is more of a connection than the location being a rather big farm! ;D
  • arkileoarkileo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    There's something compelling about the whole farmers in peril adventure. They're the little guy that nobody seems willing to help, even though civilization needs them.
  • I knew WoW people would immediately think that :D
  • Did you guys saw the estate sub zone from July livestream? It’s having some Westfall vibes. The buildings (maybe), the fields with mature crops. I could almost see the mechanic mobs from WoW zone. My mind tricked me. Ha ha!

    This looked way more pretty than Westfall. Because Westfall looks almost like a dried up Wasteland compared to that.

    The "Mill" with the huge Waterwheel reminded me a little bit of Brewery Stormstout from Mists of Pandaria.

    But again,
    "again" it looked way more beautiful than that.

    The flat Rivers,
    the DEEP Rivers, down in almost "Ravines" inside the Ground, because parts of the Estate/Plateau were a bit high and the Waterlevel was far more down below,

    the many, restless " UNDEADS " in the Fields, wielding Scythes because usually they would be Farmers caring for the Crops - this was just beautiful.

    And just like in Goblin Slayer ( Manga and Animation ),
    " Goblins " are kinda a HUUUUUGE Pain in the behind, if you let them just roam around enough and give them the Opportunity to do some Stuff. Like for Example Necromancy. :mrgreen: . :mrgreen: . :mrgreen:

    What for a beautiful, "beautiful" Area. I liked the Clouds, the Lighting,

    the fact that the Distance on how far You could watch, functioned just a LOT to exactly the same as in our World -> meaning You can peer far into the Distances - but You can not look over the whole Landscape if You haven't a very high Point of View.

    You can see Mountains in the Distance if there are any - but You can not look from immensely far if Stuff like Trees and the Landscape itself is in the way. ;)

    The Bard Footage was nice, too. Dripyula has Darkest Dungeon Flashbacks,
    because of a "masked Jester" that is also a Bard-like buffing Class in that Game, which plays Music. :sunglasses:

    Looks already awesome and the whole Area gave me WoW-Vanilla Vibes. When WoW was fun. :'-)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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