Skill Combos

ReLamasReLamas Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited August 6 in General Discussion
In Guild Wars 2, ability combos occur when one ability creates a field (like fire, ice, water, etc.) and another ability interacts with that field to produce a combined effect, such as healing allies or dealing extra damage. Fields can include elements like fire or water, and finishers can be projectiles, area attacks, or explosive moves that interact with the field to create specific effects, such as Water Field + Leap Finisher to heal allies.

In the context of Ashes of Creation, it would be interesting to know if there are plans to implement a similar ability combo system. For example, if a mage casts a spell that creates a fire area, could an archer shoot an arrow through that field to create a flaming arrow effect? This kind of mechanic would add an extra layer of strategy to the game, encouraging cooperation and coordination between players to maximize the impact of their abilities.

It would be great to see a system that leverages synergies between abilities from different classes and elements, offering not only a more dynamic combat experience but also rewarding creativity and teamwork among players.
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  • HalaeHalae Member
    The combo system in Ashes is target focused rather than AoE focused. Skills are going to have abilities that upgrade status effects on targets to stronger status effects if used at the right time. The best example we have right now is from the cleric kit, with the skill Chains of Restraint
    Call forth spectral chains in a target area that stagger enemies within or stun enemies already under the staggered effect, then leave behind an area that deals radiant damage each second over 8 seconds.
  • ReLamasReLamas Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Halae wrote: »
    The combo system in Ashes is target focused rather than AoE focused. Skills are going to have abilities that upgrade status effects on targets to stronger status effects if used at the right time. The best example we have right now is from the cleric kit, with the skill Chains of Restraint
    Call forth spectral chains in a target area that stagger enemies within or stun enemies already under the staggered effect, then leave behind an area that deals radiant damage each second over 8 seconds.

    While the combo system in Ashes of Creation is target-focused, with skills enhancing effects on a target when used at the right time, I find the mechanic of upgrading effects quite interesting. However, I’d love to see the possibility of preparing skill combos that don't require a specific target. This could allow for more creative interactions with the environment. Imagine using a combo to unlock a door, break a wall, freeze a lake, or overcome other obstacles on the map during open-world events. It would be an exciting addition that would expand how we interact with the world and tackle challenges.
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