AoC Recruitment Discord/Website/Reddit

SrixunSrixun Member
edited August 29 in General Discussion
Hey everyone!

We've built a discord focused on Guild Recruitment, as well as currently working on a website that is about to release, all with the focus of helping players find guilds, and guilds find players! We're growing fast, and all we need is you! :) Some of the largest guilds in the guild are represented here, as well as some of the newer guilds, people are getting assistance on finding a home, as well as on how to further grow their guild! Of course, there is always diplomacy moving in here as well!

According to some, this also is the NA Region Discord as well. :smiley: Lol.

This new server will feature Guild Ads and Player Ads to make it easier for everyone to discover their ideal guild home. More options mean better chances of finding a guild that fits your playstyle and personality! The website contains discord integration so when you have an applicant, a discord bot can ping you with their discord name if they like, help represent you on the website as well. Also, you can upload your guilds best media, pictures or videos, filter by what you're looking for in a player, and help you find players that closely match what you're seeking. If you're a player looking for a guild, all of the above is there for you too! We want to help everyone find the home that fits them the best!

We’re looking for moderators, suggestions, and enthusiastic players to join in!

Here are the roles we currently have set.

- Guild Leaders - Guild Leaders Only! :)
- Guild Officers - Rep your guild if you're in leadership.
- Guild Recruiters - Recruit for the team!
- Looking for Guild - Post an ad saying what you're looking for and have guilds come to you!
- Casual members - just looking to hang out, Just chill and mingle.
- Content Creators - Talk about content, your content, or help people start creating content.

Some perks

- Reddit Crawlers: the recruitment reddit and scanning the official reddit for recruitment or guild seeking ads.
- Currently working on a Forum Crawler bot to repost Guild Ads and Seeking ads into the reddit, with link and information included.
- Interview Channels: Need to interview, or don't want to join ANOTHER discord server? You can join the "Interview Channel Creator" channel to have a channel made just for you automatically, bring in who you want, lock the channel, kick people out if you need to, and just have your conversation and handle it there!

Some Other Secondary Info

- Channels pertaining to Ashes content, Specialized into PvP, PvE, Crafting, gathering, processing, nodes, etc.
- Currently building out Class channels so you can talk on the specifics of the class you want to play
- Tags according to Region, Archetype, Class, and even a PETS channel! :mrgreen:

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, join us!
Website: (Coming Soon!)

Let’s grow this amazing community together! Feedback and ideas are always welcome! (There's even a channel for it!)


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