Idea - Classes Should Have Special Events for Leveling

pSiCLOneALpSiCLOneAL Member
edited August 11 in General Discussion
I just had an idea. Why not have special events for classes? For instance, let's say you're a ranger. If that ranger wants to level, they can grind PVE, PVP or whatever, but why not give them special events that help them level faster or give them special skills they can't get in the normal ways? For example, let a high level ranger hold a "Hunt" that allows lower level rangers to learn how to use their rangers better and hunt specific targets, which may be a creature only found in a special region or to hunt a PVP target of a certain class. This encourages exploration and class development. That way, the lower level rangers can learn off the more experienced player, and it encourages higher level players to help cultivate more experienced rangers for their guild or clan? The higher level player would also be able to gain a special skill only given to those who have held x number of "Hunts" or perhaps helped other players progress through their skills in some controlled fashion. Have both a level progression path to special events like this and maybe even include player-scripted ones to change things up.

The same would apply to spellcasters, healers, warriors, etc. Each has their own special event they can "host" and control. It also keeps the more experienced players coming back for more and trying to help their groups, instead of just getting bored being high level with little else to do but run large PVP events. In addition, you wouldn't want to leave out those who don't want to be in a clan or guild, but perhaps just join random groups to do these special events, but those in a clan or guild also get a bonus for their clan or guild when they do these for their members. This also adds a bit more of that DM aspect of the game, so you can have some player-scripted events that change things up a bit.

I do realize the game is made for a combination of classes to achieve results, but these would have to be events that solely hone in on class-specific skills and may need to involve volunteers from other classes at times or some NPC playing that class for them.

Just a thought, but it seems you have the ability and expertise to make this happen. Let me know if you need more ideas. I have a degree in game design.


  • CawwCaww Member
    I like the idea of an individual experience for the 8 archtypes as long as it is somehow "abuse-proof"
  • Can you elaborate?
  • CawwCaww Member
    pSiCLOneAL wrote: »
    Can you elaborate?

    simply saying that, in general, some gamers will min-max, which I'm not against, but it's important the game mechanics don't allow "collaborate short-cuts"; I'm looking at you Big (Bad) Guilds...
  • pSiCLOneALpSiCLOneAL Member
    edited August 11
    If you're talking about not allowing guilds to hyper-level their members, I agree. That's not the goal of this. My poorly-worded title was unintentionally misleading. It's to train newer players to certain classes on how they might use their skills and to encourage player involvement throughout the leveling process. There has to be a reward, though. Otherwise, people will not want to do it. Their goal might be to gain experience to get to that special ability or perhaps get that cosmetic they can't otherwise get in their class and cannot simply purchase.
  • pSiCLOneALpSiCLOneAL Member
    edited August 11
    I'll tack another idea on top of this and say perhaps there should be "synergy" effects whereby multiple players of a certain archetype band together in their effort to heal a particular player, buff a certain group, or achieve greater effect than they can on their own. This also encourages coordination between players and groups during encounters or quests. Imagine having several guilds who might otherwise attack each other, working together to do a boss quest that's too hard for one guild to do on its own, unless the guild is huge and coordinate such an effort, but all healers are focusing on the tanks or main tanks among both guilds. Maybe they don't all heal at once, but chain them, which requires timing and communication.
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