rogue stealth idea

As a rogue player in wow (since game release) i want to say something about stealth. iwe heard there will be stealth thats not 100% and looks like a predator from that movie. and im ok with that.. BUT if there was mechanic that makes you 100% invisible ONLY WHEN NOT MOVING that will add alot of scenarios to rogue fantasy gameplay. for example when i will be lurking dungeons i want to stop to let patrol past me and then continue moving in weak stealth. or when you are hunted by group of players you will need to think if you gonna move and risk being seen in weak stealt from close range. player will need to consider move positioning and i think that will add more tactic gameplay to simple slealth button.


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I wonder if we'll get potions of invisibility and greater invisibility. I wonder if that would level the field in Steven's mind which is why class stealth and camouflage are translucent stealth rather than ghost pixels.
  • OtrOtr Member
    GANKLORD wrote: »
    for example when i will be lurking dungeons i want to stop to let patrol past me and then continue moving in weak stealth. or when you are hunted by group of players you will need to think if you gonna move and risk being seen in weak stealt from close range. player will need to consider move positioning and i think that will add more tactic gameplay to simple slealth button.

    Also during night, when moon is covered by clouds or during heavy rain or sand storms.

    Rogues should be able to detect other rogues, just like they detect traps.
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    Its confirmed Rogues will have true stealth (like WoW rogues). Rangers have the faux stealth (camouflage).
  • MichaelMichael Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yeah, as others have already said. Rogue stealth will be what you expect it to be, while Rangers can camouflage which will be really neat.

    There is already things Intrepid has in mind around balancing stealth, so look forward to that.
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